The Education Ministry is to take action against teachers who fail to follow transfer orders. The transfers of teachers were announced for teachers in National schools as well as Provincial schools. Around 30,000 teachers had been transferred, but nearly 8,000 of them are reluctant to go on transfer so far. The move to take disciplinary [...]


Edu Min to take action against disobedient teachers


The Education Ministry is to take action against teachers who fail to follow transfer orders.

The transfers of teachers were announced for teachers in National schools as well as Provincial schools.

Around 30,000 teachers had been transferred, but nearly 8,000 of them are reluctant to go on transfer so far.

The move to take disciplinary action follows complaints that a number of teachers, mainly from National schools, have failed to obey transfer orders and remained in the same school.

In some instances, as many as 10 to 12 teachers have been released from schools, but the replacements have not arrived.

An official from the Education Ministry said that the main problem was caused with teachers from Colombo-based National schools declining to take postings in smaller schools.

He said some of the teachers have been in the same National school for 10 to 15 years and were marking time until reaching retirement age in that school.

A few others have used their political influence and were trying to remain in the same school.

“It was unfair for the students, particularly those in smaller schools, who have been left without teachers, due to the failure of the teachers to report for duties,” he added.

The Education Ministry Secretary is due to issue a fresh circular directing teachers to adhere to the transfer orders, or to face disciplinary action.

An official said that, if required, a smaller period would be given to undertake the transfer. If not, errant teachers’ salaries would be suspended or they would face further consequences of loss of employment. -DWI

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