As we stride through this world, each one of us has a story to tell. This is Maithree Bogoda, a product of Lyceum International School (LIS), Nugegoda whose story inspires by his perseverance that serves as a reminder that impediments can be overcome when you have someone cheering you on. Maithree achieved an outstanding average [...]


Maithree – Making the most of his time as a student


As we stride through this world, each one of us has a story to tell. This is Maithree Bogoda, a product of Lyceum International School (LIS), Nugegoda whose story inspires by his perseverance that serves as a reminder that impediments can be overcome when you have someone cheering you on.

Maithree achieved an outstanding average at the Cambridge Advanced Level Examination 2023 in ‘Further Mathematics’ stream scoring 4 Distinctions for Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. He received 9 Distinctions at the Cambridge Ordinary Level Examination 2021.

“Regardless of the Covid-19 pandemic situation and the country’s economic downturn during my O/Level and A/Level examinations, my school always provided a wholesome environment for learning that helped us to grow in every sphere of life, be it academics or any other extra-curricular role,” Maithree told the Education Times.

This exceptional youngster was recognised in a range of categories and secured outstanding learner awards including the ‘Best Across the Grade Award’ from LIS in recognition of his performance at the school’s semester-end examinations.

“Being the Deputy Head Boy and Deputy House Captain, plus, holding many other responsible positions and taking part in extra-curricular in parallel, made me confront the challenges as they come up,” said Maithree who believes in making the most of his time as a student with the many activities available on school.

He added: “I had a very keen interest in the Sciences ever since Grade 8. My A/Level success brings me a step closer to my aspiration of pursuing higher studies in Actuarial Science which is an emerging field about risk management that would enable me to explore my passions, in the UK or in Australia.”

“These remarkable achievements would not have been possible without the commitment of my teachers, and the unwavering support from my parents and my sister who made sure I was as well rounded as a person could be,” he added.

Maithree was applauded not only academically but also for arts. He has played multiple instruments including the violin, piano, and saxophone since age 7. He has also played a part in the school choir, western band, and orchestra at LIS and the National Youth Orchestra and gained from the experience.

“Basketball and swimming were fascinating sports for me. I also got involved in track and field events at the Inter-House Athletic Meet,” he said.

“As English Drama Captain, I also partook in singing, speech, and drama competitions while at school and at the Wendy Whatmore Academy, plus, at Trinity College London and dramatic reading contests linked to Light of Asia put together by the Young Men’s Buddhist Association (YMBA). The art of debating taught me to see another view. I was the All Island Winner in Verse Speaking twice in the Sri Lanka Festival for the Performing Arts,” he added with great pride.

At the Sri Lanka Model United Nations General Assembly he represented the Republic of Hungary and took part in the discussion on tackling social issues relating to mental health.

At present, Maithree works as an intern in the Actuarial Science Department of AIA Insurance Lanka Limited to lay the foundation to hone his skills.



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