The first chapter of my life was indeed a chaos, I was fighting in the wrong battle field. I was similar to a person who wanted to fly to Australia, yet, purchased an air ticket to Africa. The very first mistake I made in my life was sitting with the wrong people. As I was [...]


Sitting in the Arts Class Whilst Dreaming To Become a Doctor


The first chapter of my life was indeed a chaos, I was fighting in the wrong battle field. I was similar to a person who wanted to fly to Australia, yet, purchased an air ticket to Africa. The very first mistake I made in my life was sitting with the wrong people. As I was very young I believed that they possessed the food that I was craving for. I was fed with the wrong food as I was sitting with the wrong people. I began to see life in a very narrow perspective as the pair of glasses they gave me provided only a short sighted vision. After a few years I found out that I was nowhere near my initial dreams and aspirations. I have hopped into a bus which is going towards Matara when my actual intention was to go to Jaffna. 

If you intend to become a winner, you must make sure you are at the right place at the right time with the right people. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people will only drive you far far away from your original dreams. That is exactly what happened to me. Life is all about the choices you make. Just as the wrong medication has the possibility to kill you so can the wrong affiliations completely destroy your entire life. An American will not enjoy a spicy meal of rice and curry as he is accustomed to enjoying burgers and chips. You must be highly vigilant on the type of food you feed your mind, as your brain will define your default taste preference based on the food you feed it. Sexually immoral thoughts, instant gratifying desires, filthy vocabulary, discriminative thoughts, lying and manipulative behaviour are the ways in which I lived when I was young, that is what I consumed from dusk to dawn. It was what I was surrounded with and that was what all my friends at that time consumed with great satisfaction.

If you want to run fast, you have to run with the fastest. If you want to lift more weight, you must train with the strongest. If you want to sing well, you must practice with a top vocalist. If you want to cook well, you must get a training from an outstanding chef. Likewise, if you want to win life, make sure you sit with the winners. Sitting with the losers will only gift you a grumbling, murmuring, blaming, excuse oriented and negative mind-set that will easily give up, as that is all that you constantly expose yourself to see, listen and experience. That is the reason you should be very keen on knowing who your children are associating. As those affiliations could certainly make or break them.

By sitting with the winners you will not only learn to make the right choices in life but you will also learn how to approach difficulties and challenges in life. When I was young my first and foremost approach whenever someone was against me was to get into a physical fight, as that was the first choice of my friends. Nevertheless, now I know that the best option is to keep silent and leave the situation. Even though the situation may be the same, they are two completely different approaches in two different phases in life which I learnt through what I have seen and heard in two different environments.

Sitting with the winners and sitting with the losers is similar to living in two different countries that have two different cultures. The culture that surrounds you will mould you according to its norms and beliefs. Therefore, be selective of the places you visit and the people you associate. You will never be able to become a Doctor by sitting in the Arts class. Another vital aspect in sitting with the winners is that you will receive the luxury of seeking advice from people who have had prior experience in handling similar scenarios. If you visit the wrong doctor then you will receive the wrong medication. Some people are so negative and poisonous thus it is very important to stay away from them. Some see life only from the negative perspective. Winners have certainly made mistakes, hence they are aware of the process. Winners will surely encourage you to fight without giving up. Whereas, the losers will invite you to escape the battle with a couple of whiskey shots.

Being with people who have the potential of seeing failures as opportunities will guide you to approach the issue more wisely and assist you to see the failures as opportunities rather than seeing them as a loss. What we need in life is an attitude of fighting back. In order to attain that you must train your mind to fight and be surrounded by fighters who will undoubtedly inspire you to continue fighting. I have a very limited number of friends as I am very careful about what I feed my mind with. The road to success is a process of continuous development and not just a onetime construction. It is beneficial if you could associate people who have already gone through that process because making errors whilst learning can be very costly. If I had listened to my father when I was nineteen, I would not have fallen into the enormous slimy pit that I got myself into which was full of sorrow and tear.

All you need is to surround yourself with people who will contribute to raise your bar higher and not those who will discourage you and decrease your capacity. You have to be very selective with the people whom you associate as those who have not achieved much in life, from deep within them would like to see you fail so that they could justify their failures. Many of them in this world are jealous and wicked thus they do not like others to succeed in life as it stabs their ego. People will be completely fine with you as long as you are below them.

The moment they see you climbing higher they begin to desire to see you fail. Many people who present themselves as innocent doves are indeed vicious serpents. A good coach is sure to produce good players. Deep conversations with the right people are priceless. The place you like to spend most of your time may not be the exact place you ought to be in. We grow a liking for certain places and people because we do not want to go through the pain of correction. You need to understand that correction is what will elevate you into the next level. No Correction – No Pain – No Gain. Winners are sure to correct you.

For Comments and Corporate Training, Personal Coaching and Business Consultation enquiries – 0774 88 5656 / for online purchases of the Book “The Art of Bouncing Back” / e-mail:


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