Eliminate even the mightiest Lion If He does not align with Your Vision
View(s): 58Michael Phelps was an Olympic Gold Medalist twenty two times (22), nevertheless, his Brand Ambassadorship was discontinued by two world famous brands AT&T and Kellogg’s due to a picture of Phelps which was circulated of him smoking cannabis. Furthermore, the world renowned sports brand Umbro discontinued their brand ambassador contract with the former England football Captain John Terry as he was accused for racially abusing Anton Ferdinand during a match. It does not matter how eminent the personality is, if he or she does not align with your ultimate vision, you need not even think twice but eliminate them from your journey towards your dreams. You may ask me “Well, Dr. Philip, haven’t you made many mistakes during the first chapter of your life? Then, why are you asking us to remove people who make mistakes from our lives?”
Please pay close attention to what I am trying to convey, I am not suggesting you to remove them from your life, I am telling you to remove them from your dreams only. People could be a part of your life but they do not necessarily have to be a part of your dreams. Michael Phelps was an enormous name at that time. Yet, for AT&T and Kellogg’s his act simply contradicted their values. There are times that you might have to remove even a lion if he or she does not align with your vision. There are very close relations of mine whom I have kept at a great distance and I have even advised my wife not to encourage them to visit us. I have also discussed with my wife that if the reason for their visit is to seek financial assistance, then it is wiser to deposit money to their account rather than allowing them to visit us.
The reason for it is because they plant negative seeds and they are cultivators of excuses. I do not want even my close relatives to plant the seeds of negativity in the minds of my innocent children. At times we need to make strong decisions in life. Sometimes we become too emotional that we allow the snakes to freely live amongst us. There is a famous Sinhalese saying that states “Do not complain that the snake bit you after allowing it to reside in your house”. Protect and preserve your dreams. One way to preserve your dream is to keep them far away from alien elements that may cause contamination. Sometimes, you may think that this coaching is inhuman and too harsh. It is not at all the case. Prior to loving the world you must love yourself. Those who are a destruction to your dreams should be removed immediately. We have experienced serious damages in our lives as a result of giving a snake a second chance. You must make a firm decision about the distance that each and every person in your life should be kept at, if not you are sure to add poison to your dreams.
When we hear of poison the only thing that comes to our mind is poison which is detrimental and can kill us physically. We have very little realisation about the poison that has the capacity to paralyse our minds. I have set a straightforward business policy of terminating employees on the spot if they are caught with financial frauds, even though it may be fraud of thousand rupees. On the other hand it is a part of my policy to retain and groom people who are weak in their education, skills and talent yet, they own a good value system. Some people may seem like lions to the world, yet, if they are not aligned with your values, I suggest you to remove them from your dream as they are dream parasites. One thing that I constantly repeat in my articles is the fact that we need to connect our brains with dream enhancers and not with dream thieves. This is crucial especially when it comes to your children as their minds are still very fresh, soft and pure thus it has the tendency to allow anything to take root in it.
Many people have been drawn back from achieving their dreams as a result of hiring the wrong people in to their lives. Sometimes, it could even be your spouse, and you cannot remove them from your life. You got to stand strong in making a decision to leave them away from your dream whilst still keeping them in your life and loving them. I know of a businessman who had messed up big time due to the decisions he took based on his son’s advice. The carpenter is the best person to go to whenever you want to get any furniture made but do not seek his advice when your vehicle is broken down. One of my previous articles on “Seeking a Carpenter’s Advice before Getting a Haircut” is all about seeking advice from the incorrect person. Through this article I intend to focus on eliminating those who do not align with your values and are an enigma to your vision.
If the dog is unaware of the ticks that are sucking his blood then those ticks are sure to kill the dog one fine day. Do not be inferior about yourself by thinking that you cannot live without that particular person that you are about to remove from your life. It is better to live in a house without electricity rather than living in a house that can cause electrocutions and thereby kill you. A life of simplicity together with a few doves is indeed more peaceful than a complicated life surrounded by poisonous snakes.
After living my life for over forty years I have come to realise that even eighty years is just a short lifespan. Time does not run, it flies. Hence, we cannot afford to waste our time on people whom we believe would hold on to the baton, yet, they may decide to run backwards. Values should be given more importance than education, talent and skills. Therefore, first, seek for those rich in values than seeking for those fit in talent. Talent and skill fit could be worked upon but if the values are in conflict then you will become frustrated as you will not be able to see any progress. Remember my advice once again “Protect and Preserve Your Dreams”. Remember that you are the lion in your battlefield. You should never be dependent on anyone other than you. Fueling yourself must be born from within. The truth is that no human loves you more than you love yourself. People mainly focus on build relationships with good people similarly, we must be taught how to discontinue relationships that hinder us from driving towards our dreams.
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