The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya: the pioneer in agriculture education in Sri Lanka, proudly commemorates its 75th Anniversary this year. Various activities are organized throughout the year to mark this significant milestone in the faculty’s history. Of them, three programmes are organized to popularize science education among school children and to support Advanced [...]


Pera Agri Faculty conducts many school programmes in collaboration with the Ministry of Education; celebrates 75 years of contribution to higher education in agriculture meaningfully


The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya: the pioneer in agriculture education in Sri Lanka, proudly commemorates its 75th Anniversary this year. Various activities are organized throughout the year to mark this significant milestone in the faculty’s history. Of them, three programmes are organized to popularize science education among school children and to support Advanced Level Biology Stream Teachers and students to enhance their knowledge and laboratory skills in areas where they do not have access to laboratory facilities and hence lack hands-on experience.

Scientia-All Island Quiz Competition among O/L and/or A/L Biology stream Students

As part of its grand diamond jubilee celebrations, the faculty plans to conduct an all-island quiz competition, “Scientia”, commencing on the 1st of September. The competition aims to ignite a passion for biological sciences among school students across the island. The quiz will test general science and general knowledge. O/L and A/L biology stream students are eligible to represent the team from the school.

Two hundred and fifteen schools nationwide have already registered for the quiz competition. A team of five students from each registered school will sit for a written test held at the district level. Selected schools from the written test will undergo an oral competition at the Provincial level. The nine winning schools at the provincial level will face the semi-final round of the all-island competition. The winners will enter the grand finale, which will be held on the 27th of September, 2023, and the winners will receive attractive cash prizes. The A. Baurs & Company is solely sponsoring the entire quiz competition.

A/L Biology Stream Teacher Training on Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology

The proposed training module of the GCE A/L Biology stream is offered in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to equip biology teachers with an in-depth understanding of molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology. The  programme is sponsored by the Samaposha-CBL Group.  The programme’s main is to enhance their ability to teach this subject effectively and to popularize the academic programmes offered by the Faculty.

This will inevitably be an opportunity to ‘Train the Trainers’ and to create a longer-term positive impact on the Faculty and what it offers to the nation. As schoolteachers play an essential role in school children’s decision-making on their future career choices, the Faculty considers this stakeholder group in our efforts to popularize science and expose youth to career opportunities in agriculture and allied sectors. The specific objectives of the proposed training programme are to:

  • Familiarize A/L teachers with the fundamental principles of recombinant DNA technology.
  • Develop participants’ skills in performing basic recombinant DNA techniques, including plasmid DNA extraction, restriction digestion, cloning, genetic transformation
  • and PCR.
  • Enhance teachers’ understanding of the ethical considerations and safety protocols associated with working with recombinant DNA.
  • Explore the practical applications of recombinant DNA technology in medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Theory and Practical Demonstration Session on Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology for A/L Biology Stream Students

While the Faculty celebrates its diamond jubilee, its Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (AgBC) Celebrates its 20 years of contribution to the nation’s biotechnology research and development. AgBC, the only such Centre in Sri Lanka devoted to Agricultural Biotechnology, has been recognized as a Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology in Sri Lanka, and it has the only Referral Laboratory in the country for the detection and identification of GMOs and LMOs.

The AgBC has organized free theory and practical sessions for A/L Biology students island-wide to mark these milestones. The programme includes two essential units of the A/L Biology syllabus: Part of Unit 02 (Nucleic acids, Microscopes) and Unit 07-Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology. To follow this programme, students (and teachers) should register by filling out a Google Form (the LINK will be made available through the AgBC website ), and theory sessions will be conducted online (2.5hr/day*3 days). The participants can join individually as well as groups. Subsequently, the practical demonstration will be held on-ground as groups (200 participants/day *5 days) for a maximum of 1000 participants, and the selection for the practical session will be based on marks obtained for the online quiz conducted after the completion of the theory sessions. Finally, the AgBC will share the recordings of practical sessions among all the participants who cannot attend in person. Furthermore, the molecular Biology and Biotechnology resource books prepared by the AgBC and submitted to the National Institute of Education (NIE) (prepared with funding from a Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)-funded project) will also be shared as additional reading materials. The AgBC of the Faculty of Agriculture bears all the training programme costs.

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