Introduction –As an individual you have to build your “Personal Brand” in order to succeed in the game of life. Through Personal Branding you create an identity and image for yourself, as a Person. This helps you in gaining employment, career development and virtually anything you endeavour to do. Examples of successful Personal Branding can [...]




Introduction –As an individual you have to build your “Personal Brand” in order to succeed in the game of life. Through Personal Branding you create an identity and image for yourself, as a Person. This helps you in gaining employment, career development and virtually anything you endeavour to do. Examples of successful Personal Branding can be found both globally and locally.

Tips to Build your Personal Brand

1.   Understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Build on your strengths, whilst simultaneously eliminating your weaknesses. This will add “strength” to your Personal Brand.

2.   Your values are your characteristics and traits people associate you with. Depending on your industry, profession and audience these characteristics may be certain aspects of yourself that you should amplify.

3.   Make a list of the industry leaders you admire and consider reaching out to them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them. You would be surprised how genuine and generous people are.

4.   In building a Personal Brand your goal is to stand out. You cannot rise to the top without taking inventory of who’s already there.

5.   Obtain memberships in Professional Bodies and Social Clubs / Organizations. This will enable you to socialize and build your personal network, within the circles that you mix in.

6.   Excel in your chosen profession or as an entrepreneur. You should aspire to be in the top ranks of your profession. If you are an entrepreneur, the same applies. When you excel, people take note and this builds your Personal Brand and identity.

7.   Take part in speaking assignments, panels etc., at professional forums, to increase your visibility and demonstrate your professional and personal acumen. Look out for speaking assignments and when the opportunity arises, accept it with both hands and capitalize on it.

8.   Build up your social media profile, so that you increase your Personal Brand awareness and recall. Focus specially on your LinkedIn profile and even Facebook. Produce a few short videos on relevant topics that are of interest to your target audience and post them on YouTube.

9.   Commit yourself to Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This will ensure that you are up to date in terms of your profession, general affairs, world affairs etc. There is no end or limit to learning. Learning is a lifelong process. Knowledge is an excellent platform to build your Personal Brand.

10. Indulge in sports and extracurricular activities, to demonstrate that you are an all-rounder. Mere participation is inadequate. You must excel in at least one sport or extracurricular activity for others to sit up and take notice.

11. Participate in forums such as BNI (Business Network Intelligence). BNI comprises of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (Those who have entrepreneurial traits, but are presently working for others). Besides networking opportunities, BNI provides entrepreneurial linkages and assists you to “Become your Own Boss”. (This in turn helps in Personal Brand Building).

12. Cultivate your own Personal Brand Development Plan, covering a period of 3-5 years. This is your road map to build your Personal Brand. This plan should include your Personal Vision and Mission, your personal objectives categorised into education, career and personal goals.

For each objective an action plan should be prepared and implemented. Do not be afraid to amend your Personal Brand Development Plan as and when necessary. (It should be a flexible working plan)

Advantages of Building your “Personal Brand”

1.   Great success at employment interviews, due to the stature you have built with your Personal Brand.

2.   Headhunters may approach you, with attractive job opportunities. Headhunters are always on the lookout for trail blazing “Personal Brands”.

3.   The opportunity to build a global network of followers, providing unlimited opportunities. Without your knowledge, you will be elevated to a global Personal Brand.

4.   Developing your Personal Brand helps you gain confidence. The confidence comes from acknowledging your strengths and recognising all the positive qualities you have to share with the world.

5.   Higher earning opportunities and quality of life enhancement. This will provide you and your family a secure future.

6.   Your Personal Brand is your legacy. It’s the way that people remember your actions, your expertise and the emotional connection you make with others. It gives you the opportunity to leave a mark on the world.

7.   Recognition within your profession and network, resulting in enhanced status and esteem. This will further uplift your Personal Brand.

8.   Higher opportunities for strategic alliances, to further your career, business or any other related aspirations.

9.   Building your credibility not through words but through actions. As you continue to build a track record with your target audience, their words – in the form of testimonials and references can then become tools for supporting your credibility.

10. Greater self-satisfaction and happiness, which in turn will motivate you to achieve greater heights.

Conclusion – Personal Branding does not happen overnight or by chance. It requires a conscious effort and a plan of action that needs to be implemented strategically.

Let me share a few examples of powerful Personal Brands:

Barack Obama (Politics), Kumar Sangakkara and Ranjan Madugalle  (Cricket), Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Richard Branson (Business) the late Sunil Perera (Music).

There is nothing to stop you from building your Personal Brand. So go ahead and enjoy the ride!

“Personal Brand building requires years to achieve. You must persevere

and be focused in your pursuit of glory”.  (Author)

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