There was a time in my life when I was mentally exhausted and completely lifeless. The storms in life became too heavy in order for me to handle and I was under the impression that I do not have the strength or the mind capacity to face it. Therefore, my only option was to run [...]


Mind Cobwebs Steal Mind Stamina


There was a time in my life when I was mentally exhausted and completely lifeless. The storms in life became too heavy in order for me to handle and I was under the impression that I do not have the strength or the mind capacity to face it. Therefore, my only option was to run away from the tough situations. Once, I consumed poison but I survived on funnel fed food for a month. On another occasion I cut one of the main veins of my left arm and I was operated after a consent was signed for the operation by a close relative as it was a massive cut.

I had no control over my thoughts. My mind was flooded with some highly detrimental thought circuits which were purely negative. I did not arrive at the miserable state overnight. It was a journey that began when I was around the age of fifteen (15) years. I permitted the cobwebs of negative passions, adverse emotions, negative feelings, damaging tendencies, destructive prejudices and injurious beliefs to reside in my mind grounds not knowing that the more they grow, the more they would take authority of my mind. Thereby closing the mind gates from positive thoughts, inspirational passions, and emotions contributive to the world, motivating feelings, performance oriented tendencies, prudent thought patterns and beliefs that will contribute in me growing from one level to another.

We are pretty interested in keeping a close eye on the cobwebs that are built in our homes, we intend to remove them right away even though it is merely a small web. We do not place a similar interest on building a close awareness on what keeps roaming around our minds and seek our approval to enter and reside in the gardens of our minds. Once they have entered our minds we unconsciously keep feeding them until they grow up to become strong negative emotions, bad feelings, damaging tendencies, destructive prejudices and injurious beliefs. The severe cut I had on my left arm was a final product of the seeds of stubbornness and anger which I had permitted to be sown at the age of fifteen (15). Whenever my aunt Roshani could not buy me a yogurt after school, I used to sit down on the road beside the Milk Bar in Kalubowila.

I had no idea at all that I was growing the seeds of stubbornness and anger which at one point grew up to a giant attitude of stubbornness. When I grew up to an adult I had no positive thought circuits developed within me to react whenever I did not receive what I wanted. The negative seeds I cultivated at the age of fifteen had led me towards a frustrated personality who could not handle rejection as I never knew how I should handle rejection. I was in the habit of gratifying myself with alternatives once rejected.

I did not realise that the very moment I watched my first pornography video at a very tender age was the moment that my mind was invaded by these dirty feelings. Therefore, be mindful and alert on every single situation in life as destructive thoughts may invade you disguised as a small cobweb but later it may develop into a destructive drug that steals the energy and capacity of your mind.

If we do not understand that our minds have the ability to act very cunningly. My mind begins to pant even before small challenges as it had no positive energy in it, it was completely covered with all types of negative thoughts that disabled the function of positivity. A curry cannot be sweet and bitter at the same time. It would either be defined as sweet or bitter based on the major taste of the recipe. Similarly, your thought patterns will decide your personality as you are prone to act upon the major thought circuits in your pattern of thinking.

We Sri Lankans like rice and curry as it is what our minds have defined as our main type of food. Similarly, Japanese, like sushi and sashimi, it is what their mind has accepted as their main meal. Therefore, it is of great importance to keep a close attentiveness on the negative cobwebs that attempt to invade us, as one day they will hold the power to be defined as our main source of thinking.

Many who suffer with anxiety and depression are those who allow the cobweb of fear to come and reside in the garden of their mind. They constantly feed those fears by entertaining those fearful thought circuits each and every time it appears whenever there is a challenge. During the battle of life fear cannot be considered as an attacking weapon it is rather a weapon in the hands of the enemies which could destroy your happiness. It is indeed a good thing to feel fear when you see a crocodile as you could leave the environment immediately.

Every feeling could be used for our betterment based on the purpose that drives us to live in this world. Many people ask me if I am alright with revealing my past as they think that it may tarnish my present brand image. My purpose is to transform the lives of people hence seeking others’ acceptance is not a part of my agenda but indeed my agenda is to change the way many people think. I have very well accepted myself hence, there is no vacuum inside me to seek acceptance from others.

Therefore, make a strong decision to remove the negative cobwebs that are placed in your mind grounds by giving them a coating of your vision. Never allow anything which has an adverse impact on your vision to form a cobweb within your mind. That is the reason I always say that self-realisation in its simplest term is understanding who you are, it is the most important aspect to lead a successful life.


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