Introduction Employees at all levels in an organisation have superiors (Bosses).Therefore, getting along with your boss is essential for career success. As an employee you cannot change your boss and the need is for understanding and adapting to your bosses personality and behaviour. If not, you have no choice but to resign, since a confrontational [...]


Managing Your Boss



Employees at all levels in an organisation have superiors (Bosses).Therefore, getting along with your boss is essential for career success. As an employee you cannot change your boss and the need is for understanding and adapting to your bosses personality and behaviour. If not, you have no choice but to resign, since a confrontational approach will not take you anywhere.

Different Types of Bosses

1.   The “Know-It-All” – Who knows everything and is a great pretender. The best thing is to acknowledge his/her knowledge and follow their instructions.

2.   The “Arrogant” Dude – Bossy, aggressive and wants to demonstrate power. When dealing with such bosses, it is better to listen and not speak up too much. Also demonstrate that the arrogance does not bother you too much.

3.   The “Autocratic” Boss – Those who like having ultimate authority and power over others. Autocratic bosses do not like to be surprised. Always keep your boss informed about your activities.

4.   The “Traditionalist” – Who has a fixed mindset about the best way to lead a team. Be clear on what you are working on at all times and observe protocols and policies to show your respect.

5.   The “Lazy” Soul – Adopts a lethargic and very easy going style. You need to push these types of bosses or else you will be left behind in terms of career development.

6.   The “Indecisive” –                                  Very reluctant to take                         decisions, for whatever                       reasons. It is very                                 frustrating to work with                      such bosses because you                    cannot work to a plan or        timetable. You need to                              give these types of                                               bosses a few alternatives                    and make it easier for                           them to take a decision.

7.   The “Democrat” –                                    Wants input from every                     team member. This type                     of boss encourages                                      team work and asks                                             members to work                                 together on shared                                              goals. You should be                                            open to listening to your co-workers ideas and always give your honest input during meetings to help your boss to take a decision.

8.   The “Best Friend” – This type of boss wants to be friends with employees they manage and want to be well liked by others. Know how to balance your work with fun at the office. Continue to treat them as your superior and always remain professional in your interactions with them.

9.   The “Moody-Blue” – Always with a long face and pretends that the whole world is on their shoulders. Do not let their moods rub off on you and avoid them first thing in the morning. Watch for mood swing moments and approach them to obtain the best results of your interaction.

10. The “Coach” – These bosses strive to motivate their employees achieve their full potential. Be open about your needs, problems and issues around the work place. Enlist their help to develop realistic, well defined goals.

11. The “Parental” Figure – Demonstrates a very caring and sincere attitude. They are always voluntarily advising you and treating you like a child. There is a positive and negative aspect with bosses who act like parents. The positive is you can rely on them for support and negatively they may impede your growth as individuals.

12. The “Workaholic” – These types of bosses spends most of their time devoted to working. They consider work as one of their highest priorities. You can effectively work with these types of bosses by finishing your work on time without postponing tasks.

13. “Keep-Me-Informed” – Always wants to know everything that is happening, even the most trivial. This is a sign of insecurity and lack of trust on the team. Keep such bosses informed of everything, both important and unimportant.

14. The “Participant” – They want to engage directly with the team to complete tasks or projects. They genuinely want to see the team or company succeed. Keep them updated on the tasks that you are working to complete. Develop or improve your teamwork skills to work well with others.

15. “Mr Unpredictable” – Cannot judge their actions, since they respond differently to the same situation. It is really hard to work with such bosses, as you are not sure whether you are standing or sitting!

16. The “Micro Manager” – This type of boss wants to be involved throughout your working process. They may expect you to complete detailed reports summarising your progress. Focus on accomplishing your work on time to avoid being micromanaged.

17. “Non Delegatable” – These bosses do not believe in delegation. They want to embrace all the work and do it themselves. This is a sign of leadership weakness and also a lack of trust in their subordinate’s capabilities. You need to be patient with such bosses and give them constant reminders of the work that is being held up.

18. The “Screamer” – Seems to think that he will get his way if he raises his voice to an unconscionable level. Screamers just want to know they are being heard. They want recognition. The first thing you must do with a boss yelling at you is ….. nothing. The best thing you can do is not to react during the outburst. Wait patiently and once they have finished acknowledge and summarize what was said to show that you were listening.

19. The “Teflon” Boss – This non-stick boss is specially prominent in public affairs. Any blame slides right off him. He does not give straight answers to straight questions. When dealing with him it’s best to keep detailed accounts and records of your conversations.

20. The “Romantic” – Always flirting with the opposite gender and playing favourites! They want to be popular and not effective bosses. Do not get entangled with their behaviour and attend to your work in a professional manner.


As stated in this article, there are different types of Bosses. Hence, you should take time to identify the type of boss you have and then manage them accordingly. There are certain bosses that can be a combination of types.

In general, show support to your boss, acknowledge their ideas and advise and gather knowledge by dealing with them. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and bosses are no exception. It is worthwhile remembering that either you get along with your boss or else you need to move out. It is as simple as that!


“The speed of the boss is the speed of the team”. Lee Iacocca


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