At the Prestigious Redress Design Award 2023 Ruwanthi Gajadeera, an exceptional talent in the world of sustainable fashion, has earned the runner-up position at the esteemed Redress Design Award 2023, the world’s largest sustainable fashion design competition. Ruwanthi’s remarkable journey has been marked by her unwavering dedication to environmental conservation and innovative fashion design. Ruwanthi [...]


Lankan designer Ruwanthi secures Award


  • At the Prestigious Redress Design Award 2023

Ruwanthi Gajadeera, an exceptional talent in the world of sustainable fashion, has earned the runner-up position at the esteemed Redress Design Award 2023, the world’s largest sustainable fashion design competition. Ruwanthi’s remarkable journey has been marked by her unwavering dedication to environmental conservation and innovative fashion design.

Ruwanthi Gajadeera is a distinguished graduate, holding a BA (Hons) in Fashion and Textile Design from Northumbria University, an MSc in Sustainable Management from the University of Bedfordshire, and an MA in Design Innovation from De Montfort University. Currently pursuing her MA in Fashion Design at the prestigious Royal College of Art in the United Kingdom, Ruwanthi’s academic prowess is matched only by her commitment to creating fashion with a purpose.

Her award-winning collection for the Redress Design Award 2023, aptly named ‘Kaeli – resurgence,’ serves as a poignant reminder of the pressing need to protect our oceans. Inspired by the tragic X-Press Pearl environmental disaster that unfolded on May 20, 2021, off the coast of Sri Lanka, Ruwanthi’s collection seeks to raise awareness about the devastating impact of ocean pollution.

‘Kaeli – resurgence’ features an array of sustainable design elements, including recycled yarn that forms the foundation of a handloom denim fabric. Ruwanthi’s forward-thinking approach extends to designing for recyclability by incorporating monofibres and adding removable shanks and QR codes to provide users with care instructions, including disassembly guidance for recycling at the end of a garment’s life cycle.

Each piece in Ruwanthi’s collection is a testament to heritage and craftsmanship, showcasing innovative techniques such as a knit jumper crafted seamlessly from a continuous string of yarn and a coat adorned with textures created from scraps of Dumbara, a traditional Sri Lankan handmade mat. Moreover, Ruwanthi’s designs feature removable panels that can be repurposed as wall hangings or decorative items, enhancing the longevity and sustainability of her creations.

In addition to her recent success at the Redress Design Award, Ruwanthi Gajadeera’s talent has been acknowledged on the international stage. She was the runner-up at Graduate Fashion Week International Catwalk 2021 in London, further cementing her reputation as a rising star in the fashion industry. In the same year, she achieved the title of Champion at the Taiwan Fashion Design Awards 2021, a remarkable feat that underscores her exceptional design prowess and innovative approach to fashion.

‘The X-Press Pearl disaster was a stark reminder of the global plastic pollution crisis, with millions of tons of plastic entering our oceans annually, endangering marine life and ecosystems. I believe that fashion can be a potent catalyst for change, inspiring individuals to take action in the face of this urgent environmental challenge’ said Ruwanthi Gajadeera.

As part of her runner-up prize, Ruwanthi Gajadeera will receive invaluable mentorship from Orsola de Castro, a renowned sustainable fashion designer and a distinguished judge in the Redress Design Award competition. Orsola de Castro is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in sustainable fashion, known for nurturing emerging talents in the industry.

Redress, the Hong Kong-based environmental NGO dedicated to accelerating the transition to a circular fashion industry, recently announced the winners of the Redress Design Award 2023. The competition, now in its 13th cycle, celebrated its grand finale at CENTRESTAGE, Hong Kong’s premier fashion event, on September 7th.

Ruwanthi Gajadeera joins a distinguished list of winners, including First Prize winner Nils Hauser from Germany, Hong Kong Best Prize winner Mandy Fong from Hong Kong, and People’s Choice winner Pavneet Kaur from India.


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