Recently an employee at one of the companies that I work as a consultant was sacked due to a financial fraud he had committed. Later, it was revealed that he had committed this fraud in order to get over a massive debt he was trapped in. Once, when I spoke to him prior to this [...]


Drinking Poison When Poisoned by Poison


Recently an employee at one of the companies that I work as a consultant was sacked due to a financial fraud he had committed. Later, it was revealed that he had committed this fraud in order to get over a massive debt he was trapped in. Once, when I spoke to him prior to this fraud, he asked me if I could help him to obtain a loan to overcome this burden that was created by some other loans he had, this act is similar to consuming poison whist already being poisoned by poison. He chose to turn a blind eye towards my advice and opted to consume an even more powerful poison to rid himself of the poison that he had already consumed.

Many in this country are caught up in financial slavery due to leasing vehicles whilst actually struggling amidst many other financial battles. You should not allow anything to tie your legs while your hands are already tied up. All those who are struggling in life have one common sickness within them: they all have taken the decision of relying on others acceptance and approval. This happens when you do not accept yourself. The sales revenue of gold pawning centres sky rocket during the season as many in our nation are into the habit of celebrating the festivals by pawning their gold jewellery. Celebrations are a good thing for life as it allows us to enjoy the present moment of time in life. Because it is pointless to purchase an expensive pair of sneakers when you are feeble and you can hardly walk. On the flip side, it is poisonous to purchase a car when you cannot even provide a sound education to your children and you cannot even meet the essential needs of your family. Many are blinded towards sustainable joy as their sight is glued on feeding their temporary ego. We need to learn to celebrate with what is in our hand.

I do not possess any credit cards, yet, once even a bank staff challenged me that a businessman like me should be carrying a credit card along. I said it is not mandatory and explained how life becomes much easier once we learn to live with what we have in our hands. Obtaining a loan for a business purpose has a different perspective as it could be used as a financial tactic to drive towards growth strategies. Borrowing just for the sake of showcasing a fake lifestyle will only leave your life with a heavy makeup that will provide you with thirty minutes of acceptance from the world and a year of sleepless nights. Train your mind to choose a peaceful sleep with the little that you may have rather than the sleepless nights spent by borrowing from others.

The narrow path which is the correct path will lead you towards green pastures whilst the commonly used path which is the broader path will direct you towards a murky and slimy pit. Poison is no remedy for poison, only medicine can cure poison.

Just as water gives life it can also take away lives. On one hand we need water to live on the other hand many lives have been taken away by the waters too. There is an accepted limit for each and everything. We should clearly define the entrance and exit point of every aspect. People crave for acceptance as it is the most desired food for our mind. Working hard towards success is a long and painful process therefore, people choose to opt for the easy way out by crafting a fake success story on social media.

Little do they understand that the acceptance they attract is not for themselves but for the fake profile they attempt to portray. The moment we escape the reality of life and form a fake profile we begin living an abnormal life which comes at a disastrously high cost. Many marriages have scattered into pieces due to the fake display that is made before marriage which cannot be found after marriage. Make up is always a temporary plaster that will have to be taken off one fine day. Moreover, a heavy makeup is always difficult to maintain.

People are constantly craving for others approval hence they do everything possible to seek approval from others. What you really need is self-approval of your own self, where you could enjoy a cup of coffee with yourself. We need to learn to live a life that we could approve for ourselves not by anyone else. Success is certainly not a straight road. You cannot learn unless you fall. Falling is a part of success.  Therefore, do not be afraid to fall by assuming that the world may reject you if you fall. A person who criticises another for their failure is not a successful person as no one has ever succeeded without failing.

If you are not willing to go through an extraordinary path, there is no doubt that you will land on an ordinary ending. Stop feeding yourself poison just to gain some temporary relief. Walk through the pain instead of attempting to destroy the pain. Riding your own scooter is certainly more joyful than riding a borrowed Mercedes Benz. Be happy with who you are rather than worrying about who you want to be. You will never attain happiness once you reach the point at which you want to be if you cannot be happy with who you are right now. Life does not move on in the fast forward mode or the rewind mode, it exists in the play mode. Let go of those who are not happy with you, because they are surely after something and not someone.

Do not take loans merely to seek the approval of others, seek financial freedom instead. We have been content and dancing joyfully even after a meal of rice, coconut sambol and fried sprats (a very simple Sri Lankan meal) that we bought from a little shop nearby. We did not run after international buffets by obtaining credit cards. Working hard to earn others approval will only create stress, working hard towards a true purpose will certainly gift you happiness. Separate yourself from ego, unless, your ego will separate you from attaining joy. Be consistent in your fight. Even running slowly at tough times is more important than giving up the race. Do not seek others approval.

There will come a day that you will be all alone by yourself. On that day, will you be happy with yourself? This is the million dollar question you need to ask yourself. As for me, I am extremely happy about who I am and I am really determined to focus on self-approval. What drives you in life? Is it the acceptance of the world or your own self-acceptance? Do not be emotionally inclined to others approval, it is a dangerous addiction that will surely separate you from yourself and blindfold you to seek the acceptance of others.

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