In honour of Children’s Day on the 1st of October, Orel Corporation has embarked on an admirable venture dedicated to enriching the educational opportunities of students in rural Sri Lanka. With its reputation as a trailblazer in advancing human potential through innovation, Orel Corporation recognizes the transformative impact of technology in education. Acknowledging the challenges [...]


Orel Corporation Empowers Education in Rural Sri Lanka with Orel Smart TV’s on Childrens Day


In honour of Children’s Day on the 1st of October, Orel Corporation has embarked on an admirable venture dedicated to enriching the educational opportunities of students in rural Sri Lanka. With its reputation as a trailblazer in advancing human potential through innovation, Orel Corporation recognizes the transformative impact of technology in education. Acknowledging the challenges faced by rural students who lack access to smart TVs for educational purposes, Orel Corporation is committed to empowering these students to embrace the digital age for learning. This commitment is exemplified through the generous donation of Orel Smart TVs to St. Sebastian College in Kautneriya, reaffirming Orel Corporation’s pioneering role in leveraging innovation for the betterment of humanity.

These Smart TVs, equipped with state-of-the-art features such as Bluetooth connectivity, compatibility with various connectivity interfaces, and access to the Google Play app store, promise to be a game-changer for students. Not only will students gain access to a world of online educational resources and platforms like Zoom for virtual classes, but they will also have the opportunity to continue their studies even when a teacher is absent.

The Orel team handing over the Orel Smart TVs to St. Sebastian College in Kautneriya

With a total contribution valued at 1.2 million Sri Lankan Rupees and approximately 500 students set to benefit from this generous donation, Orel Corporation’s commitment to education in rural Sri Lanka shines brightly.

Anuradha Perera, Head of Electronic Business at OREL Corporation stated, ‘we firmly believe that every student, regardless of their geographical location, should have access to modern educational tools and resources and we wanted to address the unique needs of students in rural communities and to ensure that the benefits of technology reach those who need it the most. By supporting the primary school section of the college, we hope to create equal opportunities and provide a solid foundation for the educational growth of these young
students. It is our firm belief that empowering education in rural areas is essential
for the overall development and progress of the

He added ‘At Orel Corporation, we remain committed to leveraging our innovative solutions to empower humanity and make a positive impact on society. We are honored to have had the opportunity to enhance connectivity and education opportunities for students in
rural areas, and we will continue to explore avenues for supporting
educational initiatives in the future’.

By extending the benefits of modern technology and connectivity to
underserved areas, Orel Corporation reaffirms its commitment to empowering communities and
bridging the digital divide in the country.

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