Introduction – Work is an integral part of life. Almost 50% of a day is spent commuting to and fro from work and at work. Hence, it is important to know how to succeed at work and enjoy the benefits in the “game” called life. The fundamental aspect to note is that you must enjoy [...]




Introduction – Work is an integral part of life. Almost 50% of a day is spent commuting to and fro from work and at work. Hence, it is important to know how to succeed at work and enjoy the benefits in the “game” called life. The fundamental aspect to note is that you must enjoy your work, to reap the benefits.

Success Secrets at Work

1. Clearly Understand your Job Role – In short, what is required to be done by you? You should request for a job description and obtain a clear explanation of same, from your immediate supervisor.

2. Discuss Ideas with Colleagues – If there is a new product, policy or procedures ask your colleagues what they think about it. Get their opinions. This will give you insight to another point of view other than your own and prove valuable in the future.

3. Support your Boss – Wherever necessary volunteer to help out your boss and thereby show support with the right motive. Even at meetings, show your agreement to suggestions/ideas made and maybe add value with your point of view.

4. Know what Makes you Unique – Knowing what makes you unique and using it is what will get you ahead in life. Whatever your superpower might be, figure it out and then use it.

5. Demonstrate Teamwork – You will always be a part of a team. As such, you should put the team first, before yourself. Volunteer and support the team in all activities, without expecting anything in return. If any member of the team is falling behind, show support and assist for the betterment of the team and the individual.

6. Adapt to Circumstances – Businesses often have to deal with changes in the economic, political and social environment. When changes occur it’s important not to panic. Think of ways in which you can adapt yourself to suit the changing landscape.

7. Participate in Organisational Activities – Always make it a point to be an active participant in organisation events such as excursions, sports days and anniversary celebrations. This demonstrates to all concerned that you are a valuable team member who gives priority to organisational events.

8. Make Long Term Plans – Business leaders are methodical in their planning. Their plans are not for a month or even a year. Mostly it’s for decades in advance. Take some time at every step of your career to make long term plans.

9. Provide your Input to Solve Problems – In modern day organisations, problems crop up unexpectedly. Do not hesitate to share your ideas and views, in order to help the organisation progress smoothly. Ideas to solve problems can come from anyone, irrespective of rank or title.

10. Handle Failure with Dignity – No one ever found success without stumbling a few times first. You have to get up and move on. Taking the good times and the bad times in stride shows that you can handle yourself.

11. Do not Behave Inappropriately – Always understand that others are watching you. Hence, speak, act and respond in a professional manner. Do not use unsuitable language, rude gestures etc., as this reflects badly on your personality. Special attention must be given in terms of behaviour with the opposite gender.

12. A Learning Mindset – Being open to new things is a secret of great achievement at work. Learning new things broadens horizons and stimulates innovation. It is useful to read books and talk to successful people in the field of work. Continuous learning is the key to progression and success.

13. Write Down your Goals – It may seem trivial but actually taking time to write down your goals is very important. When you write down your thoughts, you are better able to organize and analyse them. This should give you a more realistic view of your ambitions.

14. Demonstrate Good Mannerisms – Show that you are well grounded and understand the value of good manners. For example use words such as please, thank you, sorry, excuse me etc., as these demonstrate your upbringing.

15.  You are not the Only One who can do your Job – Don’t trick yourself to thinking that you are the only one who can do your job. It’s flattering but it’s a lie. There will be many others who can do the job – even better than you!

16. Develop Leadership Skills – Adopting good leadership skills will help you to be successful at work. Improve your ability to focus. Take initiatives to come up with new ideas that will benefit the company.

17.  Take Responsibility for your Mistakes – Stop blaming others for your mistakes. Try to correct or learn from your mistakes. The power to achieve goals lies within you.

18. Focus on your Targets – At the end of the day, performance is the vital aspect of measurement to determine success or failure at work. Your targets and objectives are priorities and you should not lose sight of them. Earn the title of “performer” and respect and recognition will follow.

19. Keep a Positive Attitude – When you have a positive attitude, positive result will come. Pessimism on the other hand is the enemy of success. Always look on the bright side and have a positive attitude.

20. Envision your Success – Visualizing where you want to be in your career enables you to forge paths to get there. Taking time to think about where you want to end up will help you see, what you need to do to get there

Conclusion – In this brief article, I have outlined success secrets at work. These secrets have been unearthed based on my work experience, across multiple organisations, industries and job roles. My sincere wish is that you will understand these secrets and apply them to succeed at work and in life.

“Success is so much more than being in the right place at the right time. It’s about working hard, taking leaps of faith and showing up as your whole self”.

Author unknown


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