By Minaza Hassan   As thousands were officially declared as displaced due to adverse weather conditions, thousands were also inconvenienced in Colombo city. Affected individuals are categories as people who have been directly harmed due to adverse weather conditions and/or have been displaced by floods or adverse weather, Disaster Management Centre (DMC) Spokesperson Janaka Handunpathiraja said. [...]


Rain wreaks havoc in day-to-day lives in Colombo and suburbs


By Minaza Hassan  

As thousands were officially declared as displaced due to adverse weather conditions, thousands were also inconvenienced in Colombo city.

Affected individuals are categories as people who have been directly harmed due to adverse weather conditions and/or have been displaced by floods or adverse weather, Disaster Management Centre (DMC) Spokesperson Janaka Handunpathiraja said.

However, there are many who are facing different hardships due to the adverse weather. Their lives have been impacted in many ways, with some left without food and proper drinking water.

Kohilawatte residents facing hardships due to inclement weather. Pix by Priyanka Samaraweera



“The front yard of our house is flooded and our children cannot go to school, without getting fevers or colds, as they get drenched in the dirty waters every morning. We cannot go out to work or for our daily needs either. Our shoes are always filled with water,” said Farzana Rukshan, a resident of Kohilawatte.

She added that her husband has been unable to go to work in Pettah and this had hit them financially.

“Several street vendors are unable to make a living. The nursery here had to give a two-week holiday due to water in the area,” she said.

“Several houses in the area were flooded and many of our neighbours did not have food to eat, as they were unable to cook in wet weather conditions,” said Amith, another resident of Kohilawatte.  “Our living room gets flooded every year and we prepare for it but my husband is extremely unwell and he has a heart disease. We travelled to our granddaughter’s house and came back when we thought the rain stopped, but it started raining again,” said Amrun, another resident of the area.

Currently budgets were limited and displaced individuals were a priority. Help was also provided in various forms by the DMC for individuals who were affected by the weather to a lesser degree, Mr Handunpathiraja said.

Granting official work holidays, supplying food and providing necessary transport facilities for those who need it are some initiatives that can be taken to help people inconvenienced by  inclement weather,” Mr. Janaka added.

Furthermore, people can call 117 for help or information regarding weather conditions, he added.

He also urged the people to stay informed and to take necessary precautions according to weather updates.


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