Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said that education is not a process that can be achieved by gathering about 1,500 children in one hall and lecturing them. “It is a complex process involving priorities like formation of disciplinary behaviour in children and multi-faceted skills and abilities development,” the minister said at a function appreciating the 2022 [...]


Mass tuition classes not practical: Education minister


Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said that education is not a process that can be achieved by gathering about 1,500 children in one hall and lecturing them.

“It is a complex process involving priorities like formation of disciplinary behaviour in children and multi-faceted skills and abilities development,” the minister said at a function appreciating the 2022 scholarship winners in Ayagama Division at the most venerable Niwithigala Dhammananda nayaka thera Commemorative Scholarship Foundation.

He said tuition classes employing such lecturing methods are not practical for children in primary classes.

“Within the new educational transformative process, being present in the classroom will be compulsory, as there are some marks that should be scored even at Grade 5 scholarship examination. It applies to all other grades because daily attendance in the classroom is compulsory for students to pass examinations,” he said.

He pointed out that though receiving a helping hand in the learning process is not wrong, how the industry is based on commercial gains is not suitable.

“Parents are compelled to spend a large sum of money on tuition classes for their children; this must be avoided immediately. Otherwise, the aims of free education maintained by developing physical and human resources in the schools and paying teachers’ salaries spending huge amounts of money and conducting teacher training sessions will be wasted,” he added.

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