During the GCE A/L examinations, primary classes will continue to function to minimise the impact on education, the Education Ministry has decided. Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said there were only 1,800 examination centres across the country for the A/L exam, and they do not see a necessity to disrupt primary education during that period. The [...]


Primary classes to remain open during AL exam


During the GCE A/L examinations, primary classes will continue to function to minimise the impact on education, the Education Ministry has decided.

Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said there were only 1,800 examination centres across the country for the A/L exam, and they do not see a necessity to disrupt primary education during that period.

The A/L exam is scheduled to be held from January 4 onwards and due to be completed before the end of the month. The minister said if primary schools are closed students will lose about a month.

“As it is, the 2023 education calendar will be completed only in 2024. We could minimise that period by one month and start the 2024 term a month earlier,” he explained.

He said they would consider the use of primary school teachers as invigilators, and may close some primary schools, but would not require closing all primary schools.

The ministry has asked for a count of the required number of primary teachers and would act accordingly.

Which of the primary schools will have to be closed will be known within a week, he added.

This is the first time that primary classes will be open during the A/L exam. (DWI)

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