When my life began to prosper from height to height and I was achieving victory after victory, I saw and witnessed how people tried to pull my leg either by crafting a false story about me or talking bad about me by setting forth my bitter history or even mischaracterising me for my weaknesses. It [...]


Focusing on Cultivating whilst the Stray Dogs are Barking


When my life began to prosper from height to height and I was achieving victory after victory, I saw and witnessed how people tried to pull my leg either by crafting a false story about me or talking bad about me by setting forth my bitter history or even mischaracterising me for my weaknesses. It was similar to a man who was cultivating in his garden whilst many stray dogs are barking from outside his gate. I had two options to select out of.

The first was to focus on the stray dogs and utilise my utmost effort in chasing them away. The other was to ignore the barking stray dogs and continue what I was doing to cultivate in my garden. Your life is your garden and you are the farmer of your garden. Will you be content on how you have managed your life’s garden at your deathbed? I am indeed happy about what I am cultivating in my life garden, as it is full of fruits that benefit me, my family and the society around me. We cannot be productive in our cultivation if we focus only on the barking stray dogs. If your focus is on chasing away the barking stray dogs and if it forego your cultivation, this will surely lead you towards a futile land.

I was called a drug addict and instead of gathering answers, I worked hard on building a name for myself in the industry. People called me a mental patient and yet again instead of recollecting answers I worked hard towards building a strong personality for myself. They said I had a filthy past but instead of looking for answers I loved my wife and children intensely to provide them a happy life. That is when that pack of dogs stopped barking. They realised that they cannot shake me. They realised that I was least bothered about their accusations and mischaracterisations. I am passionately glued to my dreams that all I could see and hear are my dreams.

I do not deviate my focus towards the stray dogs who are barking at me assuming that I would deviate from my original purpose. I am more determined to invest my energy on my garden and not merely on the barking stray dogs. Do not waste your resources by attempting to justify the accusations of others. The greatest verdict is your conscience, as long as you know that you are correct, you do not need a character certificate from the world. Do not waste your fertiliser on what is meant to be used to grow a beautiful garden.

The storms will always be there when you are running towards your vision. You always have the option to choose to either to stop running the marathon when in it begins to rain heavily or you could conclude the marathon by running amidst the heavy rain. Do not fight the wrong battles. Many of them have invested their precious time and energy on fighting over accusations which the world has made over them. All that you will receive after fighting and chasing away the stray dogs is an empty garden with fruitless trees as you were so busy chasing away the stray dogs.

Dogs will always be dogs. Even though you may be able to chase away one group of dogs, yet, there will always be another group of dogs who will come to bark at you once again. All that some people have done in their life is attempting to chase the dogs who are barking at them. Ultimately, they will be attacked by depression, as there will be no harvest in their life bag. They were not keen on cultivating but chasing away the dogs.

The key to unlock your mind is your hand. Nobody can enter your mind as long as your mind gates are locked and you have decided who can enter for what reason. Do not open your mind gates to joy killers. Rather, select the people who are joy bringers. I have only two good friends and that is good enough for me rather than having thousands of joy killers as friends. A life in solitude is much better than a life with dozens of friends who kill your joy. That is the reason I encourage my readers to start loving yourself so that you would not need to crave for the acceptance of others just as a thirsty dog pants and craves for the water.

Work untiringly towards self-acceptance. Spend more time with you than spending time with others, especially with the intention of seeking their acceptance. I am not asking you to escape the reality and live in isolation. We cannot isolate ourselves as the race is already going on, on a track known as the world and it is essential that we are on track. Yet, it is also important to choose others who will join for the relay.

Fight a good battle and avoid useless battles. I was born to a very poor family yet, I am not dying poor. This would not have taken place if my focus was on the stray dogs who were barking at me constantly. I was glued to my source of energy and hope. I ran and resided in my hope. I am determined to be deaf and blind towards aspects that are against my vision. Every time I felt tired and exhausted I shut myself inside a room and refueled myself from my source of courage. Every time you focus on the external noises over your internal voice your energy leaks out. Utilise your resources for your cultivation.

Do not throw away your resource to the weed lands. Keep your mind clean and sharp so that it will be effective during the storms. A research has found out that one out of eight people in the world are mentally unhealthy, meaning that close to one billion people are mentally unhealthy. I believe that just like in the case of Australia, one out of four people in Sri Lanka have anxiety. This happens when we do not focus on cultivating in our own life’s gardens, instead we become busy trying to justify the accusations of our external voices. The biggest battle in life is the battle we have with ourselves. That is why I always say that your greatest enemy is none other than yourself. Finally, your best friend should be no one else but you.

To watch Life Coaching videos of Dr. Philip Nehri subscribe https://youtube.com/drphilipnehri

Comments – 0774 88 5656 / www.philipnehri.com / e-mail: philipnehri.m@gmail.com

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