Dengue has claimed 39 lives up to date this year, and the number of patients stands at 69,008, according to the National Dengue Control Unit. The Western Province has the largest number of cases, with three districts in the province leading. The National Dengue Control Unit said clean-up operations of mosquito breeding places are continuing [...]


Dengue Control Unit stresses importance of public cooperation as dengue cases soar


Water can collect in these carelessly thrown empty bottles. Pic by Priyanka Samaraweera

Dengue has claimed 39 lives up to date this year, and the number of patients stands at 69,008, according to the National Dengue Control Unit.

The Western Province has the largest number of cases, with three districts in the province leading.

The National Dengue Control Unit said clean-up operations of mosquito breeding places are continuing islandwide.

The unit has emphasised that it is the responsibility of the general public to keep one’s place clean and safe from mosquito breeding grounds.

Simple measures such as getting rid of stagnant water, using mosquito nets or screens, wearing protective clothing, using insect repellent, and keeping doors and windows closed during mosquito peak times could keep dengue at bay, the unit points out.

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