Introduction – Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. Delegation provides several advantages for both leaders and employees. It assists executives in managing their workload and increasing production.  It helps employees to identify and develop their strengths and also to work on their weaknesses and to advance to other career [...]


The Art Of Delegation


Introduction – Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. Delegation provides several advantages for both leaders and employees. It assists executives in managing their workload and increasing production.  It helps employees to identify and develop their strengths and also to work on their weaknesses and to advance to other career opportunities within the company. Hence, in this brief article, my endeavour is to provide insights on how to effectively delegate work.

A Simple Definition of Delegation

Delegation is commonly defined as the shifting of authority and responsibility for particular functions, tasks or decisions from one person to another. (Usually a Leader or Manager)

1.  Fear of Delegating Work – Many leaders avoid delegating because they do not like to let go of the control they have. Another fear is that the employee may complete the assignment better than the delegator. A bad experience in the past will also be a stumbling block for leaders to delegate work. Many leaders struggle to delegate tasks because they believe they can do a better job themselves. One of the greatest challenges is knowing when to overcome your fears and delegate anyway. Keep in mind that delegation is a key component of good leadership.

2.  When Should you Delegate? – As you climb up the work ladder you will realise that doing everything by yourself is not possible. You think that everything is under control but sometimes it is not and ultimately it will lead to some failures. Loosen up and start delegating to your employees. You can give them advice and help if they need it but do not try to make them do things your way. If they are to come up the ladder they must learn through their own mistakes.

3.  Prepare your Team – With the right training and leadership, you can ensure that your team is ready to take up challenges and responsibilities. Both the delegator and the team need to be adequately prepared for the delegation process. Encourage your team to work together when solving problems. Make them understand that the best way to achieve their goals is by working together. A little explanation goes a long way to ensure that you and the team are on the same page.

4.  When Delegating, be Specific – Be very clear about the scope of the task you are delegating. Decide which tasks and responsibilities you want to assign to a particular team member. Explain to him why you think he is the right fit for the task.  Clearly clarify what you want done and the outcome you desire. Giving clear guide lines is very important. Hold the team member accountable for his or her quality of work, time frame, deadlines etc. Put everything down in writing so that there is no miscommunication about the responsibilities.

5.  Make Use of Your Employees Strengths – When delegating work, choosing the right person for the job is essential. Understand the strengths of everyone on your team and identify as to who has the relevant skills to work on a particular project or task in order to complete the task successfully. Being able to recognise an employee’s strengths can help a leader to make the right choice for delegating tasks. Avoid over burdening them with too much responsibility.

6.  Providing the Necessary Resources, Training and Support – As a leader, it is also important to provide the necessary resources, training, guidance and support to achieve the best results. This will not only strengthen their skill set and confidence but will also demonstrate your commitment to their success, which in turn will be your success as well. Failure to provide the necessary resources can cause problems when it comes to achieving success.

7.  Monitor the Progress and Provide Constructive Feedback – As a leader, it is your responsibility to monitor the progress to ensure the task is on schedule and constantly provide feedback to the team member. Constructive feedback will nurture a culture of continuous improvement and it builds trust between you and the team member. Timely feedback is vital as it also allows for adjustments and improvements along the way.

8.  Build Trust – Building trust amongst team members is one of the key aspects of effective delegation. Express your confidence and trust in their skills. This will give them a sense of trust and encourage team members to take on new challenges with confidence. A team built on trust and open communication is a team poised for success. Team members who know that their leaders trust their skills and talents tend to be more engaged and happier in their place of work.

9.  Decide What to Delegate – When delegating, first of all what you have to figure out is what tasks should be delegated.   Make sure that you are focusing on the result, rather than micromanaging the task. Try and delegate tasks that are not your forte. If it is a task or subject that you are not too sure of and have to spend time learning, delegate it to a member who already has the knowledge. You will get better results and it will also give you more time to attend to other important matters.

10.           Be Open to New Ideas – It is a good practice to involve the team, when making certain decisions. Invite questions and be open to suggestions. If they suggest a different approach to than what you had in mind, appreciate their input and be flexible enough to accept better suggestions. Encourage team members to make decisions and find solutions independently. This in turn will help them to be more innovative and creative when faced with new challenges.

11.           Do not Try to Micromanage – Once you have delegated a task step away. When you micromanage you tend to control your team. This restricts the ability for the team to develop and grow, which in turn can lead to a toxic work environment. Micromanagement is frustrating for both you and the team. It can lead the team to lose motivation and morale. It can also create stress and lead to low productivity. A micromanager will often focus on team members’ minor errors rather than on their accomplishments. They are also less likely to ask for feedback.

12.Recognize and Give Credit – If your team or a team member has completed the task successfully give credit and recognition. Compliment them on a job well done.  Let them know personally how much you appreciate their efforts. This will go a long way in building the team members self-confidence and efficiency. Well-deserved recognition drives faster decision making, personal growth and innovation.

Conclusion –Delegation is a fine art that must be learnt and practiced. The ability to “let go” is important for leadership and managerial success. By delegation, leaders and managers will provide themselves the time to focus on the tasks that require their specific attention. To delegate effectively, choose the right tasks to delegate, identify the best people for the job, and support them along the way. Delegating work is a great way to not only build your personal management skills, but to support professional development across your team.

“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

- Theodore Roosevelt


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