Professor Carl Rhodes, Dean of UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) recently visited UTS College Sri Lanka to talk to staff and students about the UTS Business experience in Sydney. Professor Rhodes is responsible for the academic and strategic leadership of the School in pursuit of its vision to be a socially committed [...]


Professor Carl Rhodes, Dean of UTS Business School visits UTS College Sri Lanka


Professor Carl Rhodes, Dean of UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) recently visited UTS College Sri Lanka to talk to staff and students about the UTS Business experience in Sydney.

Professor Rhodes is responsible for the academic and strategic leadership of the School in pursuit of its vision to be a socially committed business school focussed on developing and sharing knowledge for an innovative, sustainable and prosperous economy in a fairer world.

Alison Hiscox, Principal of UTS College Sri Lanka posed a number of questions to Professor Rhodes so that more could be learned about why the UTS Bachelor of Business programme is the most in demand business programme in the state of New South Wales.

How is UTS Business different
to other universities – what makes you unique?

Despite being Australia’s number one young University – under 50 years old – UTS is ranked as one of the top 100 Universities in the world. There are three things that make us unique:

We are very closely related to industry and offer practically relevant programs that set our students up for successful careers in whatever field of work they choose to embark on.

We value creativity and innovation and help students develop long term skills that will enable them to be active problem solvers who can learn and adapt to the ever-changing requirements of work and,

most importantly, we are a socially-committed business school focused on developing and sharing knowledge for an innovative, sustainable, prosperous economy in a fairer world.

This can be done because we are part of a University that is committed to social justice, defined by our support for the economic, social and cultural prosperity of our communities. Being part of such a progressive and innovative university offers us the scope and opportunity to be a different type of business school, one whose purpose is to lead education and research that enables business and organisations to contribute to the public good.

What are the study majors and are any more popular than others?

The programme includes majors in Accounting, Advertising and Marketing Communications, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, or Marketing.

In 2024 we will offer a new major in Business Data Analytics.

All of the majors are popular, but what really makes the degree different is that it offers students the flexibility to design their own programme based around their professional and personal interests.

As well as the majors, students can choose from almost 40 sub-majors in subject areas as diverse as sports management, sustainable enterprise, international business and information technology.

How does UTS set its business graduates up for success?

We set our students up for success by offering an exciting programme that is created in partnership with industry.

The programmes equip students with the knowledge and values necessary for a vibrant business career.

Our students develop to become critical and creative thinkers and specialists in their chosen business discipline, ready to make their mark in business and beyond.

UTS Business School is located in the heart of Tech Central, Australia’s largest technology and innovation hub.

Students are surrounded by leading innovators in their fields and have the opportunity to work with them –  with our dedicated internship subject, students can apply their skills in real-world contexts.

Is the Business Faculty currently working on any innovative projects?

Our faculty works on many projects through its active research programme.

We collaborate with industry-based business experts to provide evidence-based research insights as solutions to a wide range of business challenges and problems.

We have recently launched new research centres and initiatives, for example:

The Centre of Climate Risk and Resilience is focussed on safeguarding the ecosystems and local communities in which businesses operate while developing new strategies for value creation and sustainability.

The Centre for Sport, Business and Society delivers social, economic, cultural and educational benefits to the sports industry, government and individual sporting organisations through consulting, education, applied research, research translation and thought leadership outputs.

The Centre for Business Intelligence and Data Analytics works with industry to improve business systems and practice by harnessing the growing power of data analytics.

How do you engage with industry?

Real-world experience is core to the UTS Business School student experience — more than 80 per cent of our undergraduate students complete an internship as part of their studies.

Second and third-year students, can apply for an internship elective and complete 30 days of work experience in a real-world business setting.

This enables students to gain meaningful, practical and relevant experience that enhance their  learning, and shape their future careers.

Do you have any success stories
that you can share?

UTS Business School has a proud history of producing generations of graduates that have made a significant impact in practice and thinking across all spheres of business and industries around the world.

Our graduates have made significant impact in all walks of life. They include:

Pat Cummins, captain of the Australian Cricket Team.

Nicky Sparshott, Global Chief of Transformation for Unilever and The CEO Magazine’s 2022 CEO of the Year.

Lance Kalish and Ida Leffler, co-founders of natural beauty products company Yes To Inc.

Sumeet Tappoo, award-winning recording and international performing artist and global philanthropist.

George Savvides, former CEO of Australia’s largest health fund, Medibank Private.

Violet Roumeliotis, CEO of Settlement Services International, a national not-for-profit organisation providing dedicated human and social services to a diverse Australia.

UTS College Sri Lanka is fully owned by UTS and through its Diploma of Business provides a guaranteed pathway to year 2 of Business at UTS.  Other Diplomas available include IT, Engineering and Science as well as the UTS Foundation Studies programme.

Our next intake commences 26 February 2024.
Call 0774775774 or visit
for more information.


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