In today’s changing business world, companies are increasingly recognising the fact that one of the most important components in their organisation is their human capital – the people who work for them. This new way of thinking highlights the idea of human capital being extremely important in the planning process of organisations. This scenario is [...]


Unlocking Success: The Vital Role of Human Capital in Sri Lankan Organisations


In today’s changing business world, companies are increasingly recognising the fact that one of the most important components in their organisation is their human capital – the people who work for them. This new way of thinking highlights the idea of human capital being extremely important in the planning process of organisations. This scenario is true for companies both in Sri Lanka as well as globally. The value that Sri Lankan companies place on human capital is immense, as human capital plays a key role in making organisations grow, achieve success and achieve new heights.

Unlocking Talent: The Heart of Human Capital

When we talk about human capital, we mean all the things that a group of workers know how to do and are good at. In Sri Lankan companies, this idea has become very important for staying ahead.

Sri Lanka has lots of different people with lots of different skills because of its history and mix of cultures. Using all this different talent is really important for companies that want to grow, try new things, and find new ways to solve today’s problems.

Growing New Ideas: Where People and Progress Meet

Having new and creative ideas is really important for any company to do well. In Sri Lanka, businesses want to be known all around the world. They have an understanding that, to have good ideas, they need to invest in their human capital. This means creating a way of working where people feel free to think of new things, talk openly, and work together with different teams. When companies do this, their workers can come up with fresh and smart ideas. This helps them make and provide better products and services, and it also helps the whole country’s economy to get better.

The Human Touch: The Customer -Centric Approach

In today’s world, where making things personal is really important, businesses in Sri Lanka are focusing on people to make their customers happy. Workers who know the local ways, what people like, and how to respect the culture can make customers feel special. This personal connection doesn’t just make customers come back, but it also makes Sri Lankan businesses look good around the world.

Facing both difficulties and chances

Sri Lankan companies know that having great people in their teams is crucial. But it’s not always easy. There’s a gap in the skills that need to
be filled, and keeping skilled workers around can be tough. However, these tough parts can be turned into good things. Sri Lankan businesses can
come up with new and smart ways to help their talented people grow. They can offer good perks, programmes where experienced people help
newer ones, and clear paths to enable them to move up in their careers. Doing this can help companies get and keep skilled workers who make the company successful in the long run.

Let’s Take Action

As Sri Lanka desires to become a place
of economic growth and new ideas, the idea
of “human capital” is crucial. This means that
Sri Lanka needs to support and invest in its workers so as to be successful in the world. If they understand that people are important and that they are not just workers, businesses in Sri Lanka can provide a better future for everyone.

In conclusion, it could be said that, the human capital in Sri Lankan businesses is more than just regular employees. It is about identifying the hidden talents in people, encouraging new ideas, giving customers great experiences, and finding lasting success in a changing world.


By Prof. G.D.N. Perera and
Dr. L. Wijewardene

Faculty of Management Studies
and Commerce

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

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