Humans are social beings with a deep need to stay connected. Having a strong collection of relationships is good for your health and can bring you confidence and a sense of well-being. You will encounter many different types of people during your career, and being able to effectively communicate with them is incredibly valuable. Relationship-building is [...]


The Importance Of Networking For Career Success


Humans are social beings with a deep need to stay connected. Having a strong collection of relationships is good for your health and can bring you confidence and a sense of well-being. You will encounter many different types of people during your career, and being able to effectively communicate with them is incredibly valuable. Relationship-building is a skill you can learn, and the more you do it the more rewarding it will feel. And the more widely connected you are, the more you will grow as a professional, attract career opportunities, and help other people as well.

1.  Networking is something we all do, whether consciously or not. It is simply the process of interacting with others and developing the connection through the exchange of information. In networking “it is not what you know, it is who you know.” Having contacts in your industry can often help you progress.  Networking is about laying groundwork for beneficial relationships of all sorts, from casual acquaintances with whom we share a community, to close and enduring friendships.

2.  Networking increases your visibility in your industry. Remember that the more people you share your skillset and experience with, the more people who will become aware of who you are and what you have to offer. It is about building and developing professional relationships that can help you achieve your employment goals.

3.  Make it a point to attend networking events. These are designed to help people to make connections. Conferences, lectures and discussions, breakfast meetings, panel discussions and Chamber of Commerce talks are some of the events you can target. Networking is extremely important for career advancement, professional success, and continuous improvement.

4.  Start by building a strategy to help you focus your networking efforts, maintain consistency, and ensure accountability. Establishing and maintaining a professional network can help you find new clients, get valuable advice, and open up new opportunities for growth and collaboration. Your network gives you new ideas and the chance to discuss them, helping you find creative solutions to the challenges you face in your career.

5.  Research suggests that networking is directly linked to career success both in terms of salary growth as well as career satisfaction. Building a strong network of business contacts can be incredibly beneficial for your personal and professional growth. Talking to other professionals and building relationships with them allows you to learn about the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in your field. This can help you stay informed and plan new strategies as your industry evolves.

6.  Step out of your comfort zone, approach new people, and broaden your professional circle. Make it a point to meet new people at every networking event. This will not only expand your network but also expose you to new ideas and perspectives.

7.  There are no hard and fast rules as to who you should be networking with. It depends largely on the industry you are working in and your aspirations. Networking can include individuals from different walks of life. This can provide you with multiple sources of information and advice that can improve your performance and chances of success.

8.  To maximize the benefits of networking, a strategic approach is crucial. Rather than connecting randomly, make connections with individuals who can support your professional objectives.  Your personal and professional network can include friends, family, and alumni of your college or university, past or present colleagues, managers, coworkers, members of professional associations or clubs, business associates etc.

9.  You can also network online. Be active on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. This can help you get in touch with other networkers in specific companies. You need to ensure that your online profiles like LinkedIn, Facebook or other social media accounts are up-to-date and professional.

10.        Prepare a simple icebreaker or conversation starter. A great way to get over the initial hurdle of striking up a conversation is to lead with a simple icebreaker. This can be anything from a personalized compliment to relevant topics in your industry. When someone asks you about your work, you want to be able to give a concise and interesting answer. Spend some time thinking about your goals and achievements and practice giving a natural presentation of what you are all about. Be sincere and do not boast about yourself.

11.        When networking, communicating effectively is very important. Look for common ground during conversations. Mutual interests or connections can be great levers to build relationships. Once you make a new connection, it is important to keep in contact with them. Do not appear too eager, as that can come off as desperate. Wait at least a few days before reaching out to your new connection. Keep your correspondence professional, and try to refer to something you remember from your conversation If you do not regularly communicate with your network, you risk losing these relationships.

12.        Have your business cards ready. Once it is time to move on from a conversation, you need to give your new connections a way to find you. Networking does not have to be forced. It can be a matter of making acquaintances and friendships.  If someone in your network helps you out in any way, be sure to thank them. This is common courtesy.

13.        As you progress through the ranks of your chosen career, it can always help to have some high profile individuals looking out for you. If you are looking for advice and guidance, it can be invaluable to rely on the people you already know.  By networking and building a strong network of professional connections, you are essentially building a strong foundation for your credibility in the business world.  If you have a good reputation and are seen as a credible professional in your industry, it can make you a more attractive candidate for promotions or new job opportunities. Overall, building credibility through networking can be a valuable asset for your business and career.

14.        Good personal presentation is extremely important in making the right impression. Before going to a formal networking event consider your clothes, how you speak and even how you present yourself. Remember you should always greet someone with a firm handshake and hold eye contact with them as you introduce yourself. Ideally, if you made a good impression, the people you meet at the networking event will search for you. To make a good impression all it takes is the right outfit and proper grooming. When choosing your outfit, it is important to choose clothes that fit well and make you feel confident. Dressing appropriately shows that you respect the event and the people you are meeting. When it comes to dressing for a networking event the safest choice would be business casual or smart casual – depending on the event. If you are unsure about the dress code, it is always better to be cautious and dress more formally.

15.        One of the biggest challenges of networking is learning how to actively listen to others. Be a good listener. This is essential for building strong relationships – it shows that you are interested in what the other person has to say and that you are paying attention. Practice your active listening skills to make sure you are attentive and receptive when interacting with new people. Good questions follow good listening. It shows you are listening and interested enough to ask a question and it keeps the conversation going in the direction you choose. When listening, maintain eye contact. Nod occasionally, smile, and maintain good posture and positive body language. Always be positive and open to any advice you receive.

Conclusion – Networking events really are an invaluable tool for getting to know your colleagues better, creating new connections, learning from your peers, and making a favourable impression on potential employers. But like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. I hope that the advice above helps you to approaching networking with confidence and success. Now it is up to you to put your skills into practice.

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”

Michele Jennae


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