The Ogilvy Group Sri Lanka made its mark at the much-anticipated Campaign Asia Agency of the Year 2023 Awards, clinching top honours in three of the primary categories in the Rest of South Asia region. The agencies received their accolades at the official awards ceremony held at the ITC Maratha Mumbai on November 28. Phoenix [...]

Business Times

Triple win for Ogilvy Group at Campaign Asia’s Agency of the Year Awards 2023


Rajiv Menon, Chief Creative Officer – Phoenix Ogilvy (centre), Manilka Philips, Chief Executive Officer – Ogilvy PR & Influence (right) and Lalith Sumanasiri, Managing Director – Ogilvy Media and Digital (left).

The Ogilvy Group Sri Lanka made its mark at the much-anticipated Campaign Asia Agency of the Year 2023 Awards, clinching top honours in three of the primary categories in the Rest of South Asia region. The agencies received their accolades at the official awards ceremony held at the ITC Maratha Mumbai on November 28.

Phoenix Ogilvy secured the Gold in the Rest of South Asia Creative Agency of the Year category, while Ogilvy PR & Influence won the Silver in the Rest of South Asia PR Agency of the Year category. Ogilvy Digital brought home Bronze in the Rest of South Asia Digital Agency of the Year category.

Organised by Campaign, one of the world’s leading business media brands, the Campaign Asia Agency of the Year Awards is in its 30th year of recognising outstanding business performance, inspiring leadership, management excellence, and overall achievements in brand communications. The awarding process includes PwC as Process Integrity Partner to ensure transparency.

Mr. Irvin Weerackody

The Rest of South Asia categories are a true test of regional prowess, with agencies from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal all competing for top honours.

In a media release, commenting on this collective win, Irvin Weerackody, Chairman of Ogilvy Group Sri Lanka said, “In a year fraught with macro-economic challenges, these wins underscore the tenacity demonstrated across the Ogilvy Group consisting of five companies. It is a testament to the patience and persistence to not only survive but to thrive amidst adversity, and these awards are a recognition of the outstanding work and commitment of our teams.”

Meanwhile at the Effie Awards
Sri Lanka, held on the same day as the Campaign Asia Agency of the Year Awards in Mumbai, Phoenix Ogilvy won the Gold for their campaign for Lysol, and two Bronze metals and a Finalist award for the work done for Baby Cheramy.

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