Simplicity is complex… it is not easy to keep things simple or make complex things simple. Albert Einstein once said, genius is making complex ideas simple not making simple ideas complex. KISS stands for keeping it simple and short or straightforward. The KISS approach is the best for brand building, brand communication and brand architecture [...]


KISS for brand building


Simplicity is complex… it is not easy to keep things simple or make complex things simple. Albert Einstein once said, genius is making complex ideas simple not making simple ideas complex. KISS stands for keeping it simple and short or straightforward. The KISS approach is the best for brand building, brand communication and brand architecture and brand architype development. It’s well known that the genius can keep things simple while the others try to make things complex as it gives space for them to play. Once Richie Norton said; Simplicity is complex. It’s never simple to keep things simple. Simple solutions require the most advanced thinking.

The moral of the story is to avoid trying to say it all at once. Just concentrate on and ingrain one strong differentiating concept into your head. General intelligence is not the same as that instantaneous hunch, that creative leap of the mind that “sees” in a flash how to solve a problem in an easy way. Many brands have intricate qualities, primarily because of the makeup of the product or the uses for it. Pharmaceutical brands can get complicated since their primary goal is to heal patients suffering from illnesses or ailments. On the other hand, overcomplication makes things less pleasant and desirable. Because the consumer’s brain is constantly looking for selective perception and selective distortion, it rejects complicated signals. Theories of perception explain why brand communication should stay straightforward.

Give Extra – Get Extra

Wrigley’s gums is among the best instances of a straightforward brand that has a significant impact. The campaign’s formula was Give-Extra-Get-Extra. A young couple meets by chance for the first time while attending college, and they later fall in love. When the boy finishes chewing or shares the gum with his fiancée, he begins to sketch every single memorable moment in the Wrigley’s paper.

This builds to the moment when he shows up on her proposal day and surprises her with framed photos from the first time they ever met to all important milestones in their relationship. This is a straightforward but effective idea. Key benefit of a gum brand is fresh making. It has a connection to making love. All of this culminates in making the ultimate proposal. A proposal moment would be the ideal way for any young girl or boy to wrap up their love tale. The commercial does a fantastic job of telling this subject in a clever way. It has a strong brand association, a clear message, and a straightforward implementation. Making use of the gum papers to draw her face is remarkable as it directly involves with the brand making a strong brand association. Below are some pictures of the campaign.


Your brand or the product can be complex. But it never means that the brand making process or communication process should be complex. It can be as simple as a gum or complex as an electric device. But the true talent of a creative person is to come up with a simple idea to make a lasting impression. It’s the only way to win your customers hearts. It is not about complex editing or complex shooting. It’s not about complex scripts to spend millions to make a commercial which would not take the brand straight to the hearts of the consumers.


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