Creating an outstanding breakthrough in educational innovation, LNBTI proudly stands as very first and only Ministry of Education (MoE) and University Grants Commission (UGC) approved Japanese higher education institute in Sri Lanka and South Asia. The institute opens up previously unheard paths for students after O/Ls and A/Ls, promising not just degrees but a direct [...]


LNBTI’s Innovative IT Degrees Connect Students to Japan’s Tech Industry with Permanent Employment


Creating an outstanding breakthrough in educational innovation, LNBTI proudly stands as very first and only Ministry of Education (MoE) and University Grants Commission (UGC) approved Japanese higher education institute in Sri Lanka and South Asia. The institute opens up previously unheard paths for students after O/Ls and A/Ls, promising not just degrees but a direct ticket to becoming professionals in the Japanese IT industry with permanent employment upon graduation.

Going beyond the traditional definitions of academics, LNBTI beats the ordinary to become an agent of change, transforming students into well trained IT professionals for a brighter tomorrow. By inserting Japanese cultural variations into carefully crafted degree programmes, LNBTI ensures that its graduates are not just well-improved academically but are equipped with the skills and well- trained for flourishing careers in the Japanese IT sector.

With considering Japan’s significant need for qualified workers, LNBTI stands out due to its strategic partnerships with Japanese businesses and academic institutions. These collaborations aren’t merely academic; they are vibrant hubs of knowledge exchange, student mobility, and collaborative research projects – a genuine center for academic and scientific advancements. In summary, LNBTI is a spotlight for the bright young people of Sri Lanka, guiding them beyond the ordinary and toward endless opportunities.

Japan, known for being a professional paradise, is currently experiencing a labour shortage that could prevent the advancement of its industry. LNBTI graduates, armed not just with degrees but with a passion for international collaboration. They emerge as the answer to Japan’s call for foreign professionals, especially in the constantly evolving field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

The Japanese labour market is careful about who it hires, prioritising three key factors when considering foreign professionals: an understanding of Japanese culture and business etiquette, proficiency in skills, and language capabilities. LNBTI’s IT degree programmes, designed for the creative individuals, not only meet but exceed these criteria. They develop international collaboration, ensuring that Sri Lanka’s youth are not just job-ready but have grown up to chase challenges and grab opportunities in the Japanese and global job market.

LNBTI operates under a broad perspective that beats the boundaries of conventional education. Rooted in the wisdom of Japanese teachings, its programmes encompass more than just lectures – they are a collaboration of language proficiency, a vibrant student life, soft skill training, and specialized career development initiatives in collaboration with prestigious Japanese associations and corporates. This unique blend positions LNBTI graduates not just as professionals but as future leaders in the Japanese IT journey, contributing not only to industry growth but elevating Sri Lanka’s prominence on the global stage. LNBTI isn’t just an institution; it’s a transformative journey that speed up talent from the ordinary to the extraordinary, shaping futures and rewriting destinies.


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