The President’s Fund has initiated a scholarship programme for students who participated in the 2022 (2023) GCE A/L Exam. In response to the outcomes of this year’s GCE Advanced Level Examination, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has directed the commencement of a scholarship programme through the President’s Fund for students currently pursuing GCE Advanced Level studies. Guided [...]


President’s Fund scholarship programme for GCE A/L students


The President’s Fund has initiated a scholarship programme for students who participated in the 2022 (2023) GCE A/L Exam.

In response to the outcomes of this year’s GCE Advanced Level Examination, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has directed the commencement of a scholarship programme through the President’s Fund for students currently pursuing GCE Advanced Level studies.

Guided by President’s Secretary, Saman Ekanayake, this scholarship programme will commence from Friday, the President’s office said.

To ensure comprehensive coverage, 50 students will be selected from 100 educational zones across the island.

The initiative aims to furnish scholarships amounting to Rs 6,000 per month for a total of 5,000 deserving students.

In the preceding year, the Presidential Fund facilitated scholarships for 3,000 students over 24 months.

In 2022 (2023), eligibility criteria for applying for these scholarships include being a first-time participant in the GCE O/L Examination, passing the examination, and qualifying for Advanced Level studies. The applicant must be a student enrolled in a government school or a non-fee levying private school. The monthly family income must not exceed Rs 100,000.

Application forms and pertinent details are available for download on the official websites of the President’s Secretariat (, the President’s Fund ( and the President’s Media Department (

Applicants are requested to submit their completed applications to the Principal of the school where they sat for the GCE O/L examination.

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