The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Education in Parliament has taken up for discussion the proposed National Education Policy Framework presented to Parliament recently. The discussion was presided over by Member of Parliament (Dr) V Radhakrishnan. Secretary to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Cabinet Committee for preparing the National Education Policy Framework Anura Dissanayake, [...]


Sectoral Oversight Committee discusses National Education Policy


The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Education in Parliament has taken up for discussion the proposed National Education Policy Framework presented to Parliament recently.

The discussion was presided over by Member of Parliament (Dr) V Radhakrishnan.

Secretary to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Cabinet Committee for preparing the National Education Policy Framework Anura Dissanayake, explained the Policy Framework.

Future plans for national education and the summary of the main transformations expected to be carried out were discussed at length.

Members of the Committee, Wimalaweera Dissanayake, Asanka Navaratne, Manjula Dissanayake and Prof Charita Herath participated in this meeting, and with the permission of the Chairman of the Committee, Member of Parliament Weerasumana Weerasinghe was also present.

The Education Ministry, the National Education Commission and parties involved in preparing this policy framework also participated. The youth representatives attached to the committee were also present and expressed their views to the committee as per the permission of the committee chair.

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