State university undergraduate enrollment has seen a growth over the years, with the student intake to be increased by 2,000 this year in comparison with the preceding year. About 84,176 have applied and over 45,000 will be admitted this year compared to the total number of 43,000 admitted last year, according to the Chairman of [...]


State university undergraduate enrolment rises


State university undergraduate enrollment has seen a growth over the years, with the student intake to be increased by 2,000 this year in comparison with the preceding year.

About 84,176 have applied and over 45,000 will be admitted this year compared to the total number of 43,000 admitted last year, according to the Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Prof Sampath Amaratunga.

“Out of 331,709 who sat for the 2022 GCE Advanced Level (A/L) Examination, 166,967 students have met the requirement for admission to state universities. About 84,176 have applied and 45,000 will be enrolled,” Professor Amaratunga said.

The Z-Score cut-off scores for university study programmes in each district for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year were released after re-scrutiny on Friday (1).

Details have been provided to students informing them of the respective university and course of study via an SMS from the UGC, UGC Secretary Shalika Ariyarathne said.

If an SMS was not received, students are requested to send in a text message in the format of UGC <space> index number to 1919 to get find out their eligibility.

Appeals can be submitted if a student looks forward to getting selected to their preferred university. Candidates can make appeals to change their course of study to lower preferences or apply to courses which they have not indicated preferences in the original application where due consideration will be given as per available vacancies.

“The UGC will review all applications and strive to meet student expectations to the best of its ability, ensuring no negative impact on other students.”

Detailed data is available on the University Admissions Handbook that is available for download at the official UGC website. If there are further queries about university entrance, students can contact 011 2695301/2, 011 2692357 or 011 2675854.

Information regarding the minimum Z-Score will be available in newspapers, the official UGC website and UGC Public Relations Office.

Ms Ariyarathne said that after the registration process is completed, which will be commencing in two weeks, students will be enrolled in universities in a systematic manner.

Emphasizing the growing career opportunities in the Information (IT) Technology, Prof Amaratunge said, “The demand for innovative employees with the latest training is increasing due to the daily evolution of technology, presenting opportunities for growth and advancement.”

“Therefore, the state university system has adopted a technology curriculum where throughout their studies undergraduates can master a range of technical subject areas including Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI).”

“IT centers have been set up even in Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in an effort to improve computer literacy among arts students to equip them with essential skills for the future,” Prof. Amaratunga added. (NA)

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