“SUCCESS IS AN ATTITUDE” “SUCCESS BREEDS MORE SUCCESS” “DECIDING FASTER IS THE NEED OF THE HOUR” After your A/L ‘s you must be planning to start your Professional career and wondering how you can be successful in the chosen fields. You may be keen to aspire to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer, architect, Marketer, sales [...]





After your A/L ‘s you must be planning to start your Professional career and wondering how you can be successful in the chosen fields.

You may be keen to aspire to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer, architect, Marketer, sales professional, IT specialist and etc.

Whatever fields you may choose, you must know the basics in order to successfully embark on your new journey of work and life.

Success is defined as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”. To be successful the fundamental requirement is to have  a “ Purpose” in your Life. Success is “ attaining wealth, prosperity and, or fame.Being Successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. Furthermore, success can be certain social status that describes a prosperous person that could also have gained fame for its favourable outcome

Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self – satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. In my humble opinion “success is an attitude.”


“Success is an attitude” and “success breeds more success”.

Instead of having wishful thinking,”think big and aim high. Choose your dreams,narrow the focus and dominate your world” is the “success mantra” to follow to reach the higher echelons in your carrer and life. Having given you the success mantra let us look in to the ways and means to realise your dreams that are closer to your heart.

In the pursuit of achievement and productivity, most of the entrepreneurs,sales and marketing managers and representatives work hard in meeting their targets and project deadlines. In order to get rewards and promotions they have to work laboriously and face numerous problems, hurdles and obstacles.


In view of overcoming the problems,hurdles and obstacles the employees must be self motivated and follow the “ 8D’s of success”, i.e ;  Directions, Determination, Dedication, Discipline, Diligence, devotion to duty, Decide faster  and deadlines. You need to follow the Company Directions and deadlines which are given to you by the management. The rest of the D’s should come from you and you cannot expect those from others. In order to have all “8D’s” you need to be self motivated and be inspired. Generally sales people expects their managers to motivate them on a regular basis and this does not happen. I strongly believe in what Thomas Alva Edison preached the mankind.

“Success is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

To be a successful entrepreneur or  employee you need to persevere and be resilient.You should be able to bounce back from adversity to shape quickly and firmly.

You need to step out of the “comfort zone”. You must work hard for something you have thought and planned for, that will lead to happiness, joy,success or a well-being.The following  is the ideal definition of hard work;”Working intelligently and vigorously at a given task to complete it with maximum efficiency”.


Make a note that happiness is transient but joy is eternal.

The company rewards will give you happiness, but the hard work done by you to the company will give you everlasting joy. Therefore salary, bonus and vehicle may give you happiness but do not focus on those perishable factors. Rather focus on being joyful by doing a genuine hard work to benefit your company, family and society.

When you work harder you stand taller with your accomplishments from the rest. It motivates you and keeps you energetic in life which is a definite path to success.It maximises opportunities which may arise sooner or later. It is only hard work that will bring you more and more opportunities to showcase your talents and skills to the world. Keep in mind that you need to consider to “work smarter” when the need arises. For me both hard work and smart work are like the both hands. Some of your employees may complain that they work hard but there is no result. In this case let them know that having talent is not adequate. They  need to be “tactful” too. This is where “smart work” rewards them. It is equally important that your people should have  the “right attitude”.Further to succeed at work and life they should do the things right and right things right, all the times.You need to ”plan your work”  and you must “work your plan”.


The Secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.

I strongly recommend you to have a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual plan. Plans are nothing, Planning is everything. Furthermore Working on your Planning is the ultimate key to Success and that is the secret for success as well. Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success. While planning you should have “Clarity of Thought”.Further you need to “ Prioritise and Organise your Plans” as Time Management plays a pivotal role in your Success.

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.Success is not built on success. It is built on failure. It is built on frustration. Sometimes it is built on catastrophe. Be willing to change as change means progress and prosprity.


More importantly you must learn the “Art of Professional  Communication skills” in order to conquer the Business World. As communication skills determine “how far you can go” in your career, you need to master the art of Professional Communication Skills, Group Communication Skills and Presentation skills in order to emerge as a dynamic and vibrant leader.

The ability to communicate well has an impact on your job promotions, Salary, company benefits including overseas trips and rewarding relationships with your customers.

In this ever changing world you need to change with the changes to be a mediocre person to survive in this world and “create and manage changes” to be a leader and excel in your chosen field of work and life.

Having a Purpose and Plan are prerequisite for success but, in my humble opinion, the essential factor for success would be “ Having a Passion”. You need to work  with “enthusiasm” & “ energy”  daily. In other words you need to work with zest in Life. These are the secrets for being “unique” and “successful”.


In conclusion, keep on working hard to benefit your company, society, Family  and you in that order and not the other way around. Always be a “giver” and “giver”. In our society we mostly find the “takers” and “takers”. When you do things without any expectations even if the management fails, the Almighty god will shower his blessings abundantly. Then perhaps you will get the things you wanted as well things you never expected which would surprise you.

Always have implicit faith in you, your God and the destiny in that order.

You will be a truly Successful Person. You could March forward to reach the higher echelons in your work and life. You may even conquer the World.


- Maruthai Ravindhiran –

The writer has followed  the Postgraduate Diploma in Gender and Health (PGDipGH) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and Master in Business Administration  (MBA) at the Postgraduate Institute of Management  (PIM)of
Sri Jayewardenepura University.


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