A season of joy tinged with sad memories

Joy and sorrow. Christmas and searing memories of the tsunami inextricably linked for numerous Sri Lankans. Christmas, one of the holiest days for Christians followed by Poya, a day important for Buddhists. It was so in 2004 and it is so this year (2023). Back then soon after the Christmas festivities, huge waves engulfed Sri [...]
The timeless Christmas message
The word became flesh and lived among us and we have seen His glory, the glory as of a father’s only son – John 1: 14 Two feasts are observed by the Christian faith that are central and foundational, namely the feast of the incarnation and the feast of the resurrection. It is interesting to [...]
A Christmas sketch among the many 19th century social events captured by J.L.K.

J.L.K. Van Dort who flourished in the latter half of the 19th century in Sri Lanka could well be described as the ‘Hogarth of Ceylon’. He was undoubtedly the best-known painter and illustrator working in the country at the time. From 1850 up till to his death in 1896, he recorded almost every social event [...]
Letters to the Editor
In these turbulent times let us recall the hope of that first Christmas Hope is a waking dream – Aristotle Today the world is in turmoil! Still recovering from the pandemic, there are devastating consequences of conflict and the scourge of climate change, to contend with. The ongoing war in Gaza has devastated the lives of [...]

His determination has shaped the future of cardio-thoracic surgery in the Northern Province Dr. Ravi Perumalpillai On December 9th, it was five years since Dr. Ravi Perumalpillai was taken from our midst. His legacy, however, lives on. To this day cardio-thoracic surgery thrives in Jaffna, both at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital and the [...]
Unduvap full moon Poya and Bo tree culture

Unduvap Full Moon Poya, the last poya for this year falls on December 26. This is a significant poya for many reasons for Sri Lankan Buddhists. The arrival of Sangamitta Theri at the port of Dambakolapatuna in the north and the handing over of the Sacred Bo sapling from the Sri Maha Bodhi in India [...]
‘Jayaflava’, packed with diverse local flavours

Tasha Marikkar launched her debut cookbook ‘Jayaflava’ on December 20 at the Stables at Park Street Mews describing it as “a mouthwatering culinary tour of Sri Lanka.” Inspired by the diversity of Lankan cuisine, Tasha referred to herself as “a real achcharu” referring to her mixed ethnic background – her father is a Ceylon Moor [...]
Daya Mina students spread Christmas cheer

The annual Christmas concert of the students of ‘Daya Mina’ – the Day Centre for the differently abled run by the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary, was held on December 9 at the Daya Mina hall in Embuldeniya. Bishop Emeritus of Badulla Dr Winston Fernando and several other clergy were among the audience.
The thrill of Christmas past

My memories of Christmas start from the time we lived at 47/4, Galle Road, Bambalapitiya, right behind the market on a sandy lane that had four or five houses. As an over-excited child eager for Santa’s arrival, I was put to bed early, so the grown-ups could focus on their preparations for the following day! [...]
Little Shop of Horrors reveals young cast of great talent
Howard Ashman and Alan Menken’s Little Shop of Horrors, which went on the boards at the Overseas School of Colombo from November 30 to December 2, was a brilliantly conceived piece of theatre that had the audience mesmerised from beginning to end. The set extended to the middle section of the auditorium, with the audience [...]