Introduction – In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the power of positivity can be your greatest asset.    The idea that positivity can have a powerful impact on our lives is not a new one. In fact, many ancient cultures and customs recognised the importance of positivity and stressed the importance of nurturing a [...]




Introduction – In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the power of positivity can be your greatest asset.    The idea that positivity can have a powerful impact on our lives is not a new one. In fact, many ancient cultures and customs recognised the importance of positivity and stressed the importance of nurturing a positive mindset.   Now more than ever, it is really important to stay productive, and be upbeat about creating small moments of happiness each day.  A positive attitude is helpful for you in many ways. Positive thinking helps you to focus on the brighter side of your life and to be grateful for what you have got. 

What is Positive Thinking? – Being positive is not an easy thing, it needs continuous practice. Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the positive side of things and looking for the best in situations and people.  Positive thinking means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It is a mental and emotional attitude of expecting good and favourable results, and not getting discouraged when plans do not progress as expected.   It is about making the best of whatever situation you are in.  It means starting over again and not accepting defeat.  The idea of positive thinking has also been targeted at people who feel down and beaten by life’s challenges. Remember when you focus on the positive, the whole world opens up to you. Positive thinkers avoid negative thoughts and feelings, which are obstacles that may hold them back from achieving their goals.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

1.  Focus On Gratitude – One of the most powerful ways to cultivate a positive mindset is to focus on gratitude.   When we practice gratitude regularly, we train our minds to seek out and acknowledge the blessings, big or small, that we encounter each day.  Gratitude helps us focus on what we have rather than what we lack. Make it a habit to focus on the good things in your life, even when you are facing challenges.  Each day take a few minutes to give thanks for the blessings in your life, for which you are grateful.  By appreciating your blessings, you can find contentment and joy in the present.  Since gratitude allows you to see the world in a positive light, it decreases the probability of you focusing on things that negatively impact your life. An attitude of gratitude allows us to positively move forward in any situation.

2.  Change Your Mindset – Our mindset affects almost all of our decisions. Learn to think positive by adopting an optimistic mindset and ditching negative thoughts. First, identify those areas that cause you concern. Ask yourself what you can realistically do to change the situation. Even when things go wrong or the situation becomes problematic and difficult find something positive about it to keep yourself going. Think positively, expect only favourable results and situations and circumstances will change accordingly. Direct your energy towards the things you can actually control. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks. It might take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they will.

3.  Change From Negative To Positive Thinking – Negativity cannot have space in your life, either at personal or professional level. Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. Thinking negatively can make situations seem worse than they really are.   When you have a negative and weakening thought, try to balance it out with a positive one. Treat the negative thought as just a fact that happened and recognise that this is just something you observed and that does not change your day. Try not to make negative thinking a lifelong habit.

4.  Be Optimistic – In a world that often feels overwhelming and filled with negativity, it can be easy to succumb to gloom and despair.  At its most basic level, optimism is contagious. People who stay positive while expressing that optimism remains calm during the inevitable tough times and unexpected blocks on the road.  Optimistic individuals tend to have stronger social connections. Generally optimistic attitudes are linked to a number of benefits, including improved coping skills, improved physical health, decreased stress levels, and higher determination when pursuing goals. People are naturally drawn to those who radiate optimism and kindness.

5.  Surround Yourself With Positive People – The people you surround yourself with can have a vast impact on your life.  The people who will bring you down and steal your joy are the people you want to avoid. Hence, you should continuously try to surround yourself with positive individuals.  Their outlook and attitude can rub off on you and change the way you see things for the better.  Your worth is enhanced when you surround yourself with positive people. When you learn how to surround yourself with positive people, you learn how to cope with the stresses of hardship. . Positive people will add value to your life and elevate your mood.

6.  Read Inspirational Or Motivational Books And Articles – When you think positively, you naturally become more motivated to take action. Inspirational, motivational and  positivity books are exceedingly helpful in guiding, challenging, motivating, encouraging, reassuring and enlightening you on your journey towards leading a more positive lifestyle. Reading these books will make you realise the importance of this way of thinking and can change your mindset from negative to positive. They boost confidence and enable you to develop a positive outlook and will also help you take control of your life.

7.  Have Self-Confidence – Self-confidence comes from how good you feel about yourself regardless of how others think of you. Positive thoughts can be a very powerful way of improving confidence. Believing in yourself creates more opportunities and more happiness. Having confidence and believing in yourself can take you very far in life.  Positive action and self-confidence keeps us motivated to achieve the objectives we set for ourselves, which has a range of positive effects on our mood, sense of control, and relationships with others. When you dress well and pay attention to your grooming,
it affects how you feel
about yourself.

8.  Empower Yourself – The first step towards empowerment is self-awareness. Positive thinking plays a crucial role in self-empowerment. Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want. Take time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. You might face obstacles and setbacks in life but self-empowerment is like having a shield that helps you to keep moving forward. Feeling empowered can give you the courage to chase your dreams, stand up for yourself and your beliefs and leave fear and self-doubt behind.

9.  Set Goals – Positive thinking will not make your dreams automatically come true, but it can help you reach your goals easier. Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.  You need a positive mindset to give yourself the highest probability of reaching those goals. It is important to think positively about goal setting because it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you have achieved them. A positive attitude can keep things in perspective. Keep in mind that thinking positively about goal setting will help you stay motivated in the long term and this will make the process more enjoyable and easier.

10. Visualize Success – Positive visualisation is a technique to master real world situations and achieve goals by using the power of positive thinking. It can help individuals to achieve their goals and aspirations. When you take on a task, instead of wasting time thinking about how you will fail, think about the steps it will take to succeed. By taking the time to visualise your desired outcomes, you can create a clear image in your mind of what you want to achieve. Before you start visualising you need to have a clear goal in mind. The more specific you are in your visualization the better it is. See a mental picture of it as if it were happening to you right now. Practice going over your visualisation either in the night just before going to sleep or in the morning, when your mind is most open.


Positive thinking is all about controlling negativity and replacing it with positive thoughts. From reducing stress and improving health to increasing productivity and job satisfaction, the benefits of positive thoughts are profound and far-reaching. Learning how to stay positive in life is perhaps the best lesson that life can teach us. Positive thinking requires discipline and practice but when used as it should, it can create positive results in your life.


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