Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Sri Lanka, a new era dawns upon the island’s motorsport enthusiasts as the Nippon Paint Mahameruwa Motorsports Arena prepares for its grand unveiling. This visionary project, orchestrated by the Sri Lanka Association of Racing Drivers and Riders (SLARDAR), signifies a monumental leap towards transforming the country’s racing landscape. At [...]


The inaugural of Nippon Paint Mahameruwa Motorsports Arena by SLARDAR

motor sport

Nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Sri Lanka, a new era dawns upon the island’s motorsport enthusiasts as the Nippon Paint Mahameruwa Motorsports Arena prepares for its grand unveiling. This visionary project, orchestrated by the Sri Lanka Association of Racing Drivers and Riders (SLARDAR), signifies a monumental leap towards transforming the country’s racing landscape.

At the heart of this revolutionary endeavor stands Sri Lanka’s premier privately owned gravel track – the Nippon Paint Mahameruwa Motorsports Arena. Its design, a testament to innovation and expertise, sets it apart. Offering a technical layout marked by a thrilling downhill stretch, sweeping bends, and three challenging hairpin turns, the circuit promises to be a playground for seasoned drivers and riders seeking the ultimate challenge.

A crucial cornerstone in this journey of redefining motorsports in Sri Lanka has been the staunch support of Nippon Paint Lanka. Their resolute commitment to fostering the sport within the country has been instrumental in turning this ambitious vision into a breathtaking reality. Their partnership underscores a shared vision for growth, innovation, and excellence in the racing realm.

Behind the scenes, SLARDAR’s legacy of excellence resonates. With a history deeply rooted in motorsports and decades of expertise in crafting gravel racing tracks across Sri Lanka, their dedication and proficiency have been pivotal in bringing this dream circuit to life.

Beyond the thrill of the race, the Nippon Paint Mahameruwa Motorsports Arena stands as an oasis of luxury and comfort. Boasting a sprawling grandstand providing panoramic views of the track, lodging facilities, a refreshing swimming pool, a lavish clubhouse, and ample parking space, it redefines the notion of opulence in the world of racing circuits.

As anticipation mounted, the inaugural race meet was scheduled to be held on January 14. This historic event witnessed the participation of legendary Japanese rally champion Fumio Nutahara alongside Sri Lanka’s most distinguished racers, promising an electrifying atmosphere and marking a significant milestone in the international recognition of Sri Lanka’s motorsport scene.

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