Members of the Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine called on South Africa Deputy High Commissioner René Everson-Varney recently. They expressed gratitude and appreciation for South Africa’s courageous and morally correct decision to haul Israel before the International Court of Justice for the genocide it is carrying out in the Gaza Strip. They pointed [...]

Sunday Times 2

SLCSP thanks South Africa for case against Israel


Members of the Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine called on South Africa Deputy High Commissioner René Everson-Varney recently. They expressed gratitude and appreciation for South Africa’s courageous and morally correct decision to haul Israel before the International Court of Justice for the genocide it is carrying out in the Gaza Strip.

They pointed out that the action aligns with South Africa’s historic commitment to justice, freedom, and the legacy of Nelson Mandela, who declared that South Africa’s freedom was incomplete without Palestinian freedom.

“We share your concern about the genocidal massacres Israel is carrying out in the Gaza Strip with a culture of impunity. At a time when the global community is helpless and unable to stop the massacres, we see South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s decision as a beacon of light,” they said.

“Your country has helped restore our faith in humanity. We support your country’s action to refer Israel to the ICJ. With its courageous and principled stand, South Africa stands tall in world politics today, while some powerful countries in the West, unmoved by the killing of 22,000 innocent Palestinian civilians, including more than 10,000 children, normalise genocide as a political tool to resolve conflicts.

“When today’s events become history, generations to come will remember South Africa for its leadership in establishing global justice, holding the perpetrators accountable for their crimes against humanity, and paving the way for a just resolution.
We salute South Africa, its leaders, and its people.”

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