Small business operators in the tourism industry acclaimed the Sustainable Niche Tourism Learning Expo conducted by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) at Amaya Hotel and Resort in Pasikudah recently. “It was a truly engaging event – the learning sessions were highly beneficial, equipping us with valuable [...]

Sunday Times 2

Small businesses, tourism stakeholders, attend Learning Expo in Pasikudah


Small business operators in the tourism industry acclaimed the Sustainable Niche Tourism Learning Expo conducted by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) at Amaya Hotel and Resort in Pasikudah recently.

“It was a truly engaging event – the learning sessions were highly beneficial, equipping us with valuable skills and insights into the tourism industry”, said one participant. “The experiences of countries like Bhutan and Mongolia and their successful promotion of niche products to international travelers served as an inspiration for us, offering valuable lessons on how to effectively promote niche tourism within Sri Lanka,” he added.

The event attracted over 100 small businesses and allied stakeholders, including the Eastern Province Tourism Council, the Chamber of Tourism and Industry, Trincomalee District Hotel Association, Batticaloa Hotelier District Association, Pasikudah Homestay District Association, Eastern Province Tour Guides Association, and the Batticaloa and Trincomalee Chambers of Commerce.

The expo was the fourth in a series of similar events conducted across the country and followed previous events held in Colombo, Galle, and Kandy. Participants learned about digital marketing, travel trends, and how to incorporate sustainability into their daily operations. They also had access to mentoring sessions with industry trailblazers and received toolkits focused on product development, marketing, promotions, and sustainability.

Sri Lanka’s diverse tourism offerings hold potential for small businesses to cater to the demands of both international and domestic travelers. To establish a thriving tourism sector, it is vital to empower small business owners to innovate, refine their products, and deliver sustainable guest experiences aligned with traveler expectations.

Pre-pandemic tourism represented 12 percent of the country’s GDP, generating US $4.3 billion in revenue in 2018 and providing employment for three million people. Sri Lanka is currently experiencing a resurgence in tourist arrivals and welcomed 1.5 million tourists in 2023 – double the figure of 720,000 recorded for the whole of 2022.

Already popular as a tourism destination for its natural beauty and cultural heritage, in June 2023, Sri Lanka repositioned its tourism offering with the launch of 12 new niche tourism categories – from adventure tourism and cultural experiences to hosted/curated experiences and wellness and healing – offering experiences for travelers seeking an immersive holiday.

Niche tourism allows a destination to provide more inclusive opportunities for women, minority communities, and other disadvantaged groups by creating opportunities for them to participate in their own unique way.

USAID launched the tourism activity under the Indo Pacific Opportunity Project (IPOP ) in July 2022 to support economic reforms and promote foreign direct investment in Sri Lanka. The two-year project is assisting SLTDA to streamline and implement new policies and procedures to enable fast-tracking foreign direct investment in the tourism sector. The learning expo is yet another positive step taken by IPOP to boost Sri Lanka’s tourism industry and its economic recovery.


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