Magistrate orders CID probe into all drug imports and into victims’ fate The litany of sins which ex-Health Minister Rambukwella stands accused of, came home to roost in a magistrate’s court last Saturday. But there was not even a single Government MP present when he was brought to court, with hands cuffed to disgrace, to [...]


Rambukwella’s arrest disgrace as alleged sins come home to roost


  • Magistrate orders CID probe into all drug imports and into victims’ fate

CABINET REMANDEE: Rambukwella steps on to the Black Maria to take him to remand prison from where he resigned as Environment Minister on February 6th

The litany of sins which ex-Health Minister Rambukwella stands accused of, came home to roost in a magistrate’s court last Saturday. But there was not even a single Government MP present when he was brought to court, with hands cuffed to disgrace, to hear his accuser, Deputy Solicitor General Lakmini Girihagama spell out the atrocious claims of corruption against him.

Only 5 months ago, he had been the toast of SLPP MPs and had strutted like the cock of the well in Parliament, after 112 of them had helped him defeat the no-confidence motion brought against him by SJB leader Sajith Premadasa.  But on Saturday, there were none to express even a modicum of solidarity. In his hour of ignominy, they had all studiously stayed away, and cast him to the wolves, like something the cat had brought home.

They had been wise. For they would have stood rooted to their ghastly shame to hear the man, in whom they had reposed such confidence when the motion was brought last September, accused of being the mastermind behind a conspiracy to mislead the Cabinet, defraud the state of billions and give cheap inferior drugs to even seriously ill cancer patients.

What Lakmini Girihagama told Maligakanda Magistrate Lochani Abeywickrama, astounded court. The prosecuting attorney-at-law described:

  • How he had warned the Cabinet on August 18, 2022, by presenting a paper wherein he had falsely claimed there was a serious shortage of drugs in the country which threatened the lives of patients when, in fact, neither existed.
  • How he had on the same day created a false fear in the Cabinet by warning that, since State Pharmaceutical officials had refused to comply with his instructions to formulate a mechanism to immediately use the Indian credit line’s balance money on the ground that no provision existed to call for ‘expressions of interest’ to buy medical drugs, the entire medical system will crash within 3 weeks.
  • How he had, despite the Health Secretary informing him on September 5th that there were sufficient drugs to last for 2 or 3 months, painted a nonexistent crisis on September 26, 2022 before the cabinet by claiming that 17 drugs had reached zero levels, with 182 drugs in short supply, and persuaded the worried cabinet to grant him sanction to buy from unregistered suppliers.
  • How Rambukwella had conspired to supply substandard immunoglobulin—an ineffective placebo—to be used in government hospitals to fight serious infections.

PROSECUTOR: Lakmini Girihagama

MAGISTRATE: Lochani Abeywickrama

These shocking disclosures, along with a host of others, similarly shocking, sufficed to make the magistrate Lochani Abeywickrama order the CID to probe not only the present case of immunoglobulin but also the whole gamut of medical drugs imported under the Indian credit line since 2022. She also called for a CID probe on the fate that befell those who were administered inferior drugs.

Though Rambukwella pleaded innocent to all charges, he was, however, remanded until February 15. But controversy followed him to the Welikada Prison compound, even as mass protests had shadowed him before his arrest.

The charge of preferential VIP treatment was made when he was admitted to the prison hospital instead of the usual procedure of being first taken to remand jail; and, thereafter, on doctors’ recommendation, transferred to Welikada prison hospital.

On January 31st, the man who filed the first complaint against Rambukwella on October 3, 2023, civil activist Kamantha Thushara and others staged a protest outside CID headquarters, dashing coconuts and demanding Rambukwella’s arrest. Instead, they were arrested and released by the courts the following day.

On New Year’s Day, a wreath of flowers was laid outside Rambukwella’s residence by civil activists to express the nation’s outrage over his non-arrest. Following a complaint made by Rambukwella’s daughter, they were arrested but later released.

There will be no flowers for former Minister Rambukwella at his hospital bedside at Welikada Prison nor any tears this Sunday morn over his remand plight. The flowers on the wreath laid outside his gate have long since drooped, and, like his own reputation, lie crumbled to dust.

Neither will there be flowers on the graves of all who died before their time due to inferior medical drugs nor any bloom of hope in their grieving families’ hearts that they will rest in peace. They all await for justice to be finally done to bloom and flower.

Will Indian sojourn change Anura’s red hues along with sartorial style?JVP supreme Anura Kumara, who was summoned to New Delhi this week by the Indian Government, has come in for some flak from some quarters for changing his sartorial style when meeting External Minister Jaishankar at his office.A photograph released by the External Minister himself on his X message, showed the die-hard Marxist attired in a dapper dark blue full suit with a red ‘power’ tie neatly around his neck, in earnest conversation with the sherwani attired Jaishankar.It reminds one of a post–Tsar era Soviet tale of trusted aide Trotsky being sent by Lenin during the tail end of World War One to Germany. His mission was to sue for peace with the Kaiser, separately from the other Allied Powers. Arriving in Berlin he was perplexed to find that the dress code for the evening’s celebratory banquet was ‘tailcoat’. Since it was a major point of proletarian protocol, he thought it wise to first get clearance from Lenin, and sent a wire requesting permission. Lenin wired back: ‘Go in a petticoat if you must, but get the peace’.So, it hardly matters if Anura Kumara went in tails and top hat to the manner born for his morning meeting with Jaishankar, the question is whether he made his peace with India, and if so, on what terms? Will the degree of compromise if any, blur the line that divides the JVP from the rest, reduce the JVP to merely another run-of-the-mill political group?

Has India tamed the JVP, the firebrand tiger to whom arms had once been the only option—whose torch bearers had in the south, burnt the nation’s building, set fire to the nation’s buses and murdered their own countrymen to demand the Indian Peace Keeping Force in the north to leave the island’s shores—into a domesticated Indian pussy cat, with a bell round its neck?

The question on his political opponents’ lips at home—not to forget his cadres’ disquiet – was whether Anura Kumara had changed his rabid anti Indian stance on all matters as quickly as he had changed his dress code to suit the occasion. Had he, Marx forbid, betrayed his party’s nationalist dogma against Indian expansion, under the Ram Setu Bridge?

Whether or not he has diluted the JVP’s rigid stance or comprised his party’s long standing nationalist and Marxist principles after a mere week’s stint in India, should be soon revealed by the JVP rhetoric at future rallies and press interviews. If he had fallen under the spell of incredible India, the island’s new de facto colonial masters, he will not be the first to be Indianised. Also he will be no different to the rest. How it’ll go down the rank and file though will be quite a different matter.

But nonetheless the week long Indian sojourn would have done him a world of good. No doubt, the experience gained would stand him in good stead. He would have learnt a stark lesson that, while Indian bashing would go down well with his red shirted comrades who look toward Red China’s Forbidden City or Russia’s Kremlin as the Meccas of their outdated Marxist faith, it would be perilous to ignore India’s security concerns or its economic interests; and that, though threatening to banish the Adanis, the Ambanis and such Indian ilk from Lankan soil may be music to party ears, it would be foolhardy to court India’s wrath.

External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, in his X message, said, ‘’also spoke about Sri Lanka’s economic challenges and the path ahead.”
Wonder whether JVP and NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake gave the same solution as he had given the JVP’s Hambantota women’s wing last month to tub thumping applause, as to what he will do when he becomes the President this year, to solve the national crisis. They were:

  • ‘We will bring the security detail of the President to the Galle Face and dissolve it and send them to police stations in the villages.’
  • ‘We will set an example to the people so that they can follow and come forward and do their part for the sake of the country’.
  • ‘We will jail all corrupt politicians.’
  • ‘We will ensure basic needs such as food, education and health facilities.’
  • ’ And then, we have a long term plan to create a stable economy.’

So did he pass the Indian litmus test? Perhaps, Anura’s solution made a deep impression on Jaishankar but left him wondering whether India will have to write off the 4 billion dollar credit line thrown to Lanka after the populist wave that brought Gota to power left the island beggared. And have another 4 billion dollar credit line ready to throw just in case there’s another SOS.

Charles cancer shock evokes world sympathy

Cancer is no respecter of persons and can strike commoner and king alike without notice. But news that King Charles had fallen victim to the dreaded C would certainly have come as a shock not only for his British subjects but for the world at large and invoked in many, across the world, heartfelt prayers for his speedy recovery.

Suddenly the fairy tale world of royalty stands rocked. Only a year ago, after the death of his beloved mother, the Queen, Britain had celebrated his coronation in majestic splendour and the world had watched entranced in May last year the unfolding royal spectacle on television. Britain had put her crown jewels on show, reviving the imperial grandeur of their Empire with a lustre no gem could outshine.

Despite being crowned in his early seventies, Charles appeared to have inherited the elixir of eternal life from his mother who died at 96. Britain seemed placed for another endearing royal spell with the crown firmly set on Charles’ head.

But Monday’s news had put paid to all that. The House of Windsor is in turmoil and the prospect of ‘death laying his icy hand’ on the family’s head, sooner than expected, has laid siege on the royal citadel.

The Royal Family has certainly had an inauspicious start to the new year with its medical woes not being confined to Charles alone. It has extended to Kate, the Princess of Wales. Both present king and future queen entered hospital in January, Charles, for a prostate op, and Kate for abdominal surgery.

She spent 13 days in hospital before being discharged and asked to rest until April. Though doctors had ruled out cancer, the long recovery period has fuelled speculation that the 10 hour operation was more than simple surgery, with claims being made that she had been ‘induced into a coma’ during the op. But this has been denied.

For Charles, 75, it was a three night stay and, when he attended the service at the Windsor chapel last Sunday, he seemed to be in the pink of health for a man his age. Then came Monday’s devastating Palace announcement.

For the heir to the British crown, William, 41, destiny may land on his head earlier than he thought. But if the health of the forty two year future Queen of Britain were to worsen, he faces the sad possibility of bringing up his three children as a single parent while coping with his royal duties as king to 65 million subjects. As a result, the entire royal household lies shrouded in gloom.

But 5500 miles away on the eastern seaboard of the North American continent, the sagging fortunes of the King’s second son Harry and his wife, Megan Markle in the US, and the ‘we want our privacy’ couple’s popularity in the UK might well see a dramatic turn around.

Prince Harry made a whistle-stop trip to London, spending 10 hours on the flight from LA to have a 30 minute chat with his father before flying back on Thursday to LA. His brother William, the heir to Britain’s throne, did not meet him. Megan, who was never granted the ‘Princess’ title’ but remains a humble duchess before Prince William and Princess Kate, may harbour hopes of emerging as the uncrowned Princess in the King’s immediate family, should something tragic befall Britain’s future Queen.

Has the curse of Megan struck the House of Windsor, will be the question on cynical royal watchers’ lips? Two months ago the two royals, she had claimed in an Oprah TV interview in 2021 to have shown a racist streak by talking about what colour her baby would be, were inadvertently named in the Dutch edition of Harry’s biographer book ‘Endgame’, as Charles and Kate.

In the West, the coincidence of her two most hated royals, simultaneously struck by serious illnesses would pass off as ‘Megan gets her revenge for baby’s colour slur’. Had Megan been Lankan born, it would certainly be put down to the work of her ‘hooniyam’.

But cancer is no longer the death sentence that people dreaded in the past. And miracles can dawn on king and commoner alike. As Tennyson wrote: ‘More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of’. No doubt, there will be millions in Protestant England at church this Sunday morn, clasping their hands in prayer for their royal ‘Defender of the Faith’.

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