Artificial Intelligence can’t replace creative humans; but, it can boost their efficiency and streamline work processes At the forum ‘AI as an ally, not a foe,’ organized by AOD, a series of expert panellists delved into the multifaceted role of AI in various sectors, including education, design, marketing, and the creative industry “AI will always [...]


AOD initiates progressive discourse on AI’s assistive role in creativity for Sri Lankan designers


  • Artificial Intelligence can’t replace creative humans; but, it can boost their efficiency and streamline work processes
  • At the forum ‘AI as an ally, not a foe,’ organized by AOD, a series of expert panellists delved into the multifaceted role of AI in various sectors, including education, design, marketing, and the creative industry
  • “AI will always be around, but it will only be considered to be great if it is used by people who are great,” said Chevaan Wickremasinghe – Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Apollo Digital to AOD students, highlighting how AI is a tool to in the emerging industry that capitalises upon creativity and innovation


Chevaan Wickremasinghe - Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Apollo Digital (Pvt) Ltd

Jaygo Bloom - Program Leader Diploma in Design Communication and Experiences-LASALLE College of the Arts

When it comes to creativity and innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges not as a foe, but as a trusted and efficient ally. This paradigm shift emphasises the symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, where each complements the other’s strengths to achieve greater creative heights. As the transformative potential of generative design and ethical considerations in AI implementation come to light, the impact of artificial intelligence across various fields such as education, design, marketing, and the creative industry emerge as riveting topics of our times.

Without following the popular narrative of viewing AI as a threat to human ingenuity, AOD gathered experts who advocate for a harmonious collaboration between humans and machines to enhance creativity and productivity for an illuminating forum centred around the theme “AI as an Ally, Not a Foe.” Co-hosted by AOD and CIT (Colombo Innovation Tower), this forum was a timely exploration into the realm of human creativity and technological innovation. It emphasised the symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, where each complements the other’s strengths to achieve greater creative heights, and attracted a diverse array of industry professionals, educators, and students, sought to redefine the relationship between humans and machines, positioning AI as a valuable assistant rather than a competitor. With a lineup of esteemed panellists and insightful discussions, the forum shed light on the potential of human-machine collaboration to augment creativity and productivity in various fields.

The panel comprised esteemed professionals from diverse backgrounds, including Dr. Sagara Sumathipala, Senior Data Scientist; Jaygo Bloom, Programme Leader at LASALLE College of the Arts; Chevaan Wickremasinghe – Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Apollo Digital; and Kanishka Wijayasekara, Researcher and AI/Robotics Enthusiast. The forum was moderated by journalist, writer and educator, Rihaab Mowlana. The panellists brought a wealth of expertise and diverse perspectives to the discussion, enriching the dialogue with their unique insights.

Kanishka Wijayasekara - Researcher Associate Lead Engineer AIRobotics Enthusiast

The forum fostered an open exchange of ideas and experiences, encouraging attendees to consider the possibilities of human-machine collaboration. Dr. Sagara Sumathipala underscored the importance of inspiring students to embrace AI creatively in education, while also addressing ethical considerations in AI research; he also discussed AI’s impact on natural language processing, particularly in translation accuracy and social media analysis. Jaygo Bloom offered insights into how AI can push boundaries in design and create immersive experiences, emphasizing the need for thoughtful implementation. Kanishka Wijayasekara delved into the partnership between humans and AI within the tech realm and stressed the imperative to view AI as a complementary tool rather than a substitute.

He recounted a project where AI and robotics enhanced inventory management, underscoring the significance of addressing human challenges. Additionally, Kanishka underscored the value of creativity in design and emphasized the necessity of ethical considerations in projects driven by AI. Chevaan explored the significance of AI in marketing, emphasising the necessity of comprehending human behaviour within this sphere. He elaborated on the utilisation of AI within Apollo Digital to enhance efficiency and offered insights into its prospective influence. Additionally, Chevaan recounted his transition from law to spearheading a growth consultancy, shedding light on AI’s evolving role across diverse sectors.

Dr. Sagara Sumathipala – Senior Data Scientist

A refreshing parallel to this forum was “Interdisciplinary Designscapes”  moderated by Amreen Ashraf, where AOD alumni spoke about embracing technology and AI as tools to enhance their creative processes and workplace productivity. Poornima Meegammana, an AOD alum, highlighted the crucial link between technology and creativity, stating, “I think technology is a must for a designer and that’s the future.” Supporting this sentiment, Nazka Nazar expressed, “I am all for accepting technology. It is an investment for my productivity. The more I immerse myself in it, the more I realize I am gaining opportunities to learn.” Similarly, Nawoda Bandara emphasized the importance of technology in her design process, affirming, “Currently I’m diving into innovative technologies to evaluate my design process. It allows me to visualize and refine my creations before they take a physical form. These software are really important and we should really dive more into those technologies.”

Rihaab Mowlana - Journalist Freelance Writer Lecturer

The overarching theme that emerged from the forum was that AI serves as a catalyst for creativity, empowering individuals to explore new ideas, address challenges, and drive innovation. As AOD alumnus Sahil Gunasekara aptly stated, “There is still a soul that comes from a creative or a designer that you can’t replace.” This sentiment encapsulates the belief that human creativity will continue to thrive and evolve alongside AI, with technology serving as an enabler rather than a deterrent.

By fostering a collaborative relationship between humans and machines, AOD and Colombo Innovation Tower are empowering individuals to harness the full potential of AI to drive innovation and shape the future of creativity. With AI as an ally, not a foe, the possibilities for creative exploration and expression are endless, paving the way for a harmonious partnership between humans and machines in the pursuit of innovation.

AOD currently welcomes enrolments, offering aspiring creatives the opportunity to immerse themselves in its active learning environment where cutting-edge developments in the creative sectors are explored, dissected, and advanced with guidance from industry experts. For more information, please contact Aod on 0775727772, email or walk in

between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday – Colombo.




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