Science has made a tremendous impact on human welfare. It has developed the world to near perfection, with instant comforts. Nevertheless, people are not as happy as they should be. Their worries escalate on a daily basis and they end up with a state of depression. At present,this is the status of most of the [...]


Let Us Create A Bright Future For Our Students


Science has made a tremendous impact on human welfare. It has developed the world to near perfection, with instant comforts. Nevertheless, people are not as happy as they should be. Their worries escalate on a daily basis and they end up with a state of depression. At present,this is the status of most of the Sri Lankan students. Depression will be the one of the leading cause of death in this decade.What can we do for this?

To a greater extend this is due to globalisation & modernisation, but are these the only causes? The root of the problem may be the way the students are brought up in their life. Petting them too much during their childhood may be the main reason for this crisis.

This is one aspect of my article and the other issue is the present status of most of the students are  not speaking in their Mother language as well as they disrespect their Parents,Teachers,Elders,Religion & culture.

What a pity? What can we do?

Parents play a pivotal role in upbringing their children. They must act as their role models. They should mould their children to be good citizens of our Motherland. But, the fact is that nowadays both parents are working and some of the children are at the day care Centres or Parents do not have sufficient time to spend with their children.

In some cases children isolate themselves and engrossed in playing TV games or watching movies.Here the addiction starts too early in Children’s life. As a result they do not perform well at studies and they leave their schools as ‘failures’.This trend continues in their adulthood as well.When they enter into adulthood most of them

get addicted to cigarette smoking & alcohol.

Should not we take corrective action now. It is not too late.

The parents should pet their children fully up to first three years.There after they should reduce petting and focus on Children’s education gradually.

Parents should endeavour to make their children obedient to them. They should instill the family values in their children’s mind.Teachers should treat all students equally including the students at the back benches.Since this group of students are highly vulnerable to mischievous acts proper coaching & guidance must be given to them in order to make them studious.Teachers too play a pivotal role in the future of these students.


This means time has to be utilised effectively & efficiently. Utilisation of time by individuals could be broadly categorised in to “  Time Investment”(studying,working),  “Time Spent” (traveling,speaking) and “Time Wastage”(idling, gossiping).

Hence, you must invest more  time in good deeds, reduce the unnecessary time spent and avoid wastage of time.

In order to do this you should have objectives and goals in your life. Your objectives have to be realistic ones which needs to be “SMART”.They have to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Related & Timely.

When you have clear objectives for your life you have less time to worry or to be depressed.

If you want to be happier, then you should have a holistic approach to your life.

In order to do this you should focus on your “Personal life”, “Family life”, “Work life”,

“Social life”, “Community life” & “Spiritual life”.

When your children too follow this most of the problems outlined earlier will disappear. In particular you should strike a balance between your Family life & Work life.The above will lead the way to increased Productivity. Simultaneuoly the national Productivity will also increase.


With regard to children neglecting their religion, you should set an example to them.

You should pray daily with your family at home and at least visit sacred institutions once week with your family. When praying please do not ask for wealth, power or fame as these are stress builders even though you acquire those.

Instead pray for serenity, peace & love. When you acquire these you will also get wealth.


In life sometimes we get what we want immediately, sometimes there will be a delay in getting what we want, sometimes we may not get what we aimed for and sometimes we gain unexpectedly.

All these are part & parcel of our life. We should accept this wholeheartedly.

For example, if you pedal a cycle it will move Simultaneuoly. Action & result are seen at the same time.

If you throw a rubber ball at the wall it will come back to your hands within few seconds.Here relatively a delay is seen in the result.

You plant a seed now and you have wait patiently for years to the fruits.

Hence, if we do not get results immediately, there is no need to get panic or stressed out.Rather you focus only on the action and expect the benefits.Should it be yours, it will come to you. Otherwise you need to strive & struggle in fulfilling new expectations.

By having this mindset you can easily avoid stress or depression.Remember we need to have certain amount of stress to propel in action.

Whilst appreciate the government’s move to set up more counseling centres in hospitals I humbly request the leaders to consider to include the strategies for the Primary Prevention of Depression.

It is of paramount importance, that the students must respect and follow the directions and advice given by their parents, elders, principals, teachers and the seniors to avoid depression and lead a cheerful life. Study and be familiar with the principles of your own religion, Mother language and literature.

These will enhance your knowledge, experience and meet challenges in your life while growing and even at the later part of your life.


Finally, we need to change with the Change. Do not resist change. It will cause stress, Anxiety and depression. Change means growth and Prosperity. Most importantly, if you can “create changes”, you could “conquer the world”.

Changes could happen in the school, at work place, society or country at large.

If we want be in the first place, we must change.

“Work while work and play while play, that is the way to be merry and cheerful”.


We can best pay our own debt to our Motherland by building a better future for generations on the framework our forebears established.

The future is not out there, waiting to be met.

The future is here, waiting to be created. It is in our hands.

Dear Parents and Teachers today, we as Sri Lankans can act as good ancestors by linking our ideal of service with the generations to come.

Let us get together and work to build the future with ” Vision & Action.

Let us make our Children as tomorrow’s leaders.

I take this opportunity to wish all our Children a very happy, cheerful, bright and prosperous future.

May God bless you and your families.

(Maruthai Ravindhiran is a Marketing,Training and Personal Development and Change Management Consultant.  He is also a reputed Language Specialist and an English Teacher and a Life Transformational and Life Management Coach.)


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