In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, Ms. Chanaka Palihakkara, the Managing Director of ACH Education, explained the importance of Australia as a prime study destination for Sri Lankan students. Her remarks were made during her business trip from Australia to Kandy, where she inaugurated the newest Premier Branch at Kandy City Centre. With [...]


Why Study in Australia


In a recent interview with the Sunday Times, Ms. Chanaka Palihakkara, the Managing Director of ACH Education, explained the importance of Australia as a prime study destination for Sri Lankan students. Her remarks were made during her business trip from Australia to Kandy, where she inaugurated the newest Premier Branch at Kandy City Centre. With her background as a Registered Education Counsellor in Australia and acting as an authorised agent for a majority of Australian Government Universities in Sri Lanka, she elucidated several compelling factors for consideration.

Students and families achieved their study dream through ACH Education

High-Quality Education: Australian universities consistently rank among the top globally, offering high-quality education and a wide range of academic programmes across various disciplines. Degrees earned from Australian institutions are recognised and respected worldwide. Australia is home to several world-renowned universities consistently ranked among the top institutions globally. These universities offer cutting-edge research facilities, expert faculty members, and innovative teaching methods, ensuring students receive a high-quality education. The Australian government implements rigorous quality assurance measures to uphold the standards of higher education institutions. Quality frameworks and accreditation processes ensure that universities meet stringent criteria in terms of curriculum, faculty qualifications, facilities, and student support services. She said Australian universities emphasise innovative teaching and learning approaches, incorporating technology, experiential learning, and practical training into their curriculum. Students benefit from interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory work, industry placements, and research opportunities that enhance their learning experience and prepare them for real-world challenges.

Scholarships: Australian universities offer a significant number of scholarships for international students. Over the last 10 years she has helped many Sri Lankan  talented children to join Australian Government Universities with Vice Chancellor Scholarships which offers a 50% course fee reduction for the full duration of the academic studies enrolled  through her education institute.  Offering scholarships allows Australian universities to attract high-achieving and talented students from around the world. By providing financial assistance, universities can entice students with exceptional academic records or talents to choose their institution over others. Further Ms Palihakkara explained many Australian universities offer fully funded scholarships for international students undertaking research degrees, such as master’s by research or doctoral (Ph.D.) programmes. These scholarships often provide funding for tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs. She said during her interview her education institute has supported many PhD students to obtain their student  visas and the onboarding journey to Australia to complete these fully funded programmes sponsored by Australian Government.  She said I ensure all students enrolled through ACH Education for undergraduate and post graduate programs  to study in Australian Government Universities receive at least 20% scholarship which will bring down their overall tuition fees.

ACH Team - Kandy City Centre Branch

Safe Environment & Diverse Culture: Australia is recognised for its safety and stability, making it an attractive destination for students seeking a secure learning environment. The country’s strong rule of law, low crime rates, and well-developed infrastructure contribute to its reputation as a safe place to study. Australia is known for its diverse and inclusive society, welcoming people from all backgrounds and cultures. International students can feel at home in Australia’s multicultural environment and have the opportunity to engage with people from around the world.

Work Opportunities: International students in Australia have the opportunity to work part-time during their studies and full-time during scheduled breaks. This allows them to gain valuable work experience, supplement their income, and develop practical skills that enhance their employability.

Post-Study Work Opportunities: Australia offers excellent post-study work visa options, allowing international graduates to remain in the country and gain professional work experience after completing their studies. This can be a pathway to permanent residency for those who wish to stay longer-term.

Quality of Life: Australia offers an excellent quality of life, with its clean and green environment, world-class healthcare system, and high standard of living. Students can enjoy a balanced lifestyle, with opportunities for outdoor activities, cultural experiences, and socialising. Australia is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, from pristine beaches and lush rainforests to rugged outback terrain. Students can explore the country’s natural beauty and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and wildlife spotting.

Research and Innovation: Australia is a leading destination for research and innovation, with state-of-the-art facilities and opportunities for students to engage in groundbreaking research projects across various fields.

Overall, Australia offers a dynamic and enriching educational experience in a safe and welcoming environment, making it a top choice for international students seeking high-quality education and an unforgettable study abroad experience.

She said her company has helped thousands of Sri Lanka students to achieve their Australian Study dream with all services offered free to students. It a place where students achieve their dreams.  In addition to the services offered by the company I personally guide them to achieve their personal goals during their stay in Australia as part of my community support to another Sri Lankan. Admissions are open for next enrolment intake which is July and can contact her  directly on +61426416868, email or visit our local branches located at 831, Ethul Kotte, Kotte or their newest branch opened at Shop 16, Level 6, Kandy City Centre.

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