A Bill to establish the Sri Lanka National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has been gazetted. Among the functions of the Commission would be; operation of all UNESCO-funded or related activities in Sri Lanka; initiation, co-sponsorship and endorsement of all UNESCO resolutions, guidelines, conventions and other instruments at the [...]


Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO to be established


A Bill to establish the Sri Lanka National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has been gazetted.

Among the functions of the Commission would be; operation of all UNESCO-funded or related activities in Sri Lanka; initiation, co-sponsorship and endorsement of all UNESCO resolutions, guidelines, conventions and other instruments at the UNESCO Executive Board and the UNESCO General Conference.

Sri Lanka’s active participation in sub-regional, regional and international UNESCO activities, ensuring benefit to Lankans without any discrimination, and submitting nominations to UNESCO registries would be among its other responsibilities.

The Commission would effectively link the relevant ministries, government departments, semi-government, non-government and private agencies, institutions, organisations and intellectuals, and the public, with UNESCO programmes and activities.

It will promote mutually-beneficial UNESCO programmes with UNESCO-affiliated bodies and other international organisations by conducting international, regional and sub-regional activities with a view to achieving UNESCO objectives and facilitate the exchange of information in areas related to education, science, culture, communication and information through local, regional and global programmes organised by UNESCO.

Facilitating technical assistance to and capacity-building in Sri Lanka through the UNESCO system; and contributing to UNESCO’s vision by participating in UNESCO activities are among its objectives.

The Commission will have the powers to develop and sustain international liaison, coordination, consultations and advocacy with all of UNESCO system and activities, to ensure appropriate representations and facilitate informed interventions by Sri Lanka at the UNESCO General Conference, Executive Board meetings, summits, conferences, and inter-governmental meetings, to inform stakeholders, implement and monitor UNESCO conventions, resolutions and similar instruments, to initiate, fund, coordinate and monitor UNESCO-related programmes, and centres.

The Commission will be able to appoint national committees, steering committees, working committees, expert committees and consultants in UNESCO areas of competence.

The Commission shall obtain the prior written approval of the Department of External Resources in respect of all foreign funds; pay annual and other membership or subscription fees to UNESCO and UNESCO-affiliated bodies; enter into and perform all such contracts and Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) as may be necessary for the exercise, performance and discharge of the powers, duties and functions, and conduct joint or independent studies, researches, deliberations, and consultations on matters of interest to UNESCO.

The Commission will be able to impose a levy on visitors to UNESCO heritage sites and biosphere reserves and other UNESCO sites in Sri Lanka, at a rate fixed by the Minister in charge of Finance.



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