Old rituals; doing it their way

Avurudu has been celebrated in the island for millennia, an indigenous practice that probably harks back to yaksa and naga times. The Veddahs follow it propitiating their ne yakkas, testimony to its hoary vintage. The harvest festival, brimming with joy as the golden paddy had been reaped brings the nation together, but in recent years [...]
Childhood memories of avurudu

The Aluth Avuruddha (New year) is a time for celebration, revelry and bonhomie. Even though there are the inevitable changes with the times in preparing for the dawn of the New Year and its celebrations, there are still some age-old customs and practices followed, mainly in the villages. I remember during my childhood living in [...]
Nalanda Innovation Hub: A space to unlock Ratnapura’s entrepreneurial skills

Built in memory of late MP Nalanda Ellawala, the Nalanda Innovation Hub that opened on March 26, in the heart of Ratnapura aims to be a nucleus of collaboration, creativity, and sustainable business practices in the region. Founded by Visaka Ellawala, the Nalanda Innovation Hub is inspired by Mr Ellawala, who left an enduring legacy [...]
It’s time for the Gratiaen
A longlist of eight authors has been announced for the 31st Gratiaen Prize. They are: Pasan Jayasinghe for ‘Passing Return’, Jehan Aloysius for ‘Crossing the Line’, Ramya Jirasinghe for ‘Father Cabraal’s Recipe for Love Cake’, E.M. Tennakoon for ‘Footnotes of a Protest’, Selvi Sachithanandam for ‘Gnanam’, Vihanga Perera for ‘Students and Rebels’, Richard Simon for [...]
Letters to the Editor
Astronomical pay hikes and CB decision makers working in their ivory towers Most of the public of Sri Lanka were shocked to read in the media that the entire staff of the Central Bank of our country were to be given a raise in their salaries ranging from almost a million rupees to one hundred [...]

A ‘Thank You’ for all that you meant to us Doris Vivienne Esther De Silva (nee Perera) Birthday remembrance Where do we start, how do we begin? Such a lady to honour a tribute to sing? A wife, a mother, a grandmother like her, We are sure there will never be another. Many were the roles [...]
Uduvil in its bicentennial year remembers its founder Principal

In the bicentennial year of Uduvil Girls’ College, especially during the month of April, our thoughts dwell closely on the founder principal of the school, Harriet Wadsworth Winslow (née Lathrop), whose birthday falls on April 9. Born in 1796, in Norwich, Connecticut, in the USA, Harriet from a young age, was filled with a yearning to [...]
Alzheimer’s disease starts two decades prior to first symptoms

The guest lecture on Monday (April 1) was wide and varied covering a major public health concern in the world which is causing much worry not only to doctors but also people. Delivered at the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA), even though the topic was ‘Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Bio-markers’, Dr. Ruwani Guna-wardane, [...]
Hath maaluwa: Cooking up the perfect Avurudu medley

Hath Maaluwa reigns supreme among curries on the traditional Avurudu table- quite superior in rank this season to the ubiquitous lunu miris, cadju badun, seeni sambol, or even the ambul thiyal with its seer fish amply marinated in spices. It is a traditional dish mostly peculiar to the upcountry- and the walawwa chatelaines and humbler [...]
All for your avurudu table

—fñ wjqreÿ ldf,a isky fjhka rdf<a f;,a bysreKq lejqï f.äh jdf.a˜ And just like the song suggests it’s time to bring in all things sweet, all things soft, and all things crispy to the table for this year’s highly anticipated Sinhala and Tamil New Year. And if you’re not inclined towards the culinary side, here’s [...]
A testament to a surgeon’s dedication

Dr. Gamini Goonetilleke, a distinguished and versatile surgeon, unveils yet another compelling addition to his literary repertoire with his latest book, joining the ranks of inspiring works like ‘In the Line of Duty’ and ‘The Extra Mile’. This book, titled ‘The Healing Cut’, offers a profound glimpse into his extensive surgical career spanning over three [...]