Easter attack on Ceylon: 82 years ago

During the height of World War II, on Easter Sunday, April 5, 1942, the Japanese bombed Colombo. A soon-to-be-published volume titled ‘Japanese Maritime Attack on Ceylon WW11’ by Henrick Melder provides an exhaustive account of those momentous times. In these extracts – exclusive to the Sunday Times, the author traces the tense days immediately after [...]
Sri Sangabo Corea – An extraordinary father, leader and gentleman

Tribute “Words cannot express the pride we feel as we talk about our father, Sri Sangabo Corea” Reflecting on his journey fills us with an overwhelming sense of admiration. Sri Sangabo Corea our darling thaththi/seeya epitomizes the qualities of an exemplary leader. He worked at two multinational companies, having made significant contributions in his 23 [...]
Science community’s role in serving democracy
The National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL) concluded its 45th annual general meeting on Saturday, March 16, at the Hilton Residences, Colombo. The election of 10 new fellows to the academy, two members to the council and new office bearers to the council took place. Medals were presented to past and present presidents [...]
Appeal for help
Nilani Pathiraja, a mother of an 18-year-old son suffering from a brain ailment has appealed for public assistance to continue with his medication. Ms Pathiraja who is a resident of Swarnagama, Agalawatte said that her son had been suffering from the ailment from 9 years and is currently undergoing treatment at the ayurveda treatment centre. [...]
Mallika Nivasa Samithiya Avurudhu Fair a success

Mallika Nivasa Samithiya held its annual Avurudhu Fair last Sunday. It was well attended: with lots of items available from food stuff, clothing, ladies items and much more. Visitors were able to pick up many a good bargain.
AAUPCC office bearers
The 33rd annual general meeting of the Alumni Association of the University of Peradeniya-Colombo Chapter (AAUPCC) was held on Sunday 31st March 2024 at the Main Auditorium (Sanhinda), Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA), Colombo 7. Prof J B Dissanayake was guest of honour. The following office bearers were elected for the term 2024/2025. [...]
IWMS office bearers 2024/2025
At the annual general meeting of the Institute of Western Music and Speech, Sri Lanka, held recently, the following were elected to hold office for 2024/2025. Council President: Suhashini Victoria Chairperson (Examinations Board): Maureen Silva Vice President (Music): Shiranthi Asirvatham Vice President (Speech): Geetha Wedage Vice President (Social Activities): Kishani Ferdinando General Secretary: Neluka Nanayakkara [...]
KMK ex-co for 2024

The executive committee of the Kumpulan Melayu Kotikawatta (KMK) for 2024 was appointed at the annual general meeting held recently. The following office bearers and the executive committee were appointed for 2024. (From left) Malik Hassim – Assistant Treasurer, M A Careem – Assistant Secretary, Selwyn Bahar – Committee member, Mervyn Lye – Committee member, [...]
Saffron: Unveiling cosmetic secrets of Red Gold

By Shellon Gunaratna In the history of the world, few spices have painted as vivid a hue as saffron. It is obtained by carefully drying the stigma (the slender, thread-like parts of a flower) of the Crocus sativus L. flower, a process that underscores its value and rarity. Saffron’s esteemed as the world’s most expensive [...]
Can AI learn to obey the law?
CAMBRIDGE – If the British computer scientist Alan Turing’s work on “thinking machines” was the prequel to what we now call artificial intelligence, the late psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s bestselling Thinking, Fast and Slow might be the sequel, given its insights into how we ourselves think. Understanding “us” will be crucial for regulating “them.” That effort [...]