Each and every student desires to lead a joyful life by successfully completing his or her school education.  The recent economical, social and political crises and the subsequent consequences have eluded happiness, joyous and peaceful moments due to struggles and straggles faced by the students of Sri Lanka. Future seems to be bleak for many [...]


The Values and importance of Living Religious and Spiritual life, for Students


Each and every student desires to lead a joyful life by successfully completing his or her school education.  The recent economical, social and political crises and the subsequent consequences have eluded happiness, joyous and peaceful moments due to struggles and straggles faced by the students of Sri Lanka. Future seems to be bleak for many students in our country.

Hence, the word “happiness “ has become obsolete to them. Also, joyous living has become a distant dream for most of the students in our Motherland.

Yet, they are eagerly waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

But, if majority of the parents, teachers and students and the public are muttering impatient imprecations under their breaths. But do you think it will bring back the current Economical, social and political crises to normalcy?

In my humble opinion, words expressed by a person have a positive or negative vibration and power.

If the majority is thinking negatively and express negative emotions and opinions then perhaps it will adversely affect the country in terms of Peace and Prosperity.

Hence, we must always have a principle in our lives to have positive thinking and possess positive attitude besides values for our lives. This principle will equip ourselves to meet and overcome adversities, hurdles, obstacles and multiple problems, changes and challenges ahead of us, more confidently and successfully.

This in turn will invoke God’s plan, mercy and his abundant blessings for our lives.


Should you want Happiness focus on Small & minor matters & If you want Joy you need only to work with a broad mind “ Joy “ will be with you forever.

Apart from  seeking “Happiness” many also expect “ Success” in their life.

People want to be successful in their Education, Job , Career,Family Life, Business, Social Life, Politics & Spiritual life.

One may ask me now, then what is important in Life? What do we need?

Is it “ Happiness” or “Success” or Both.

In my opinion both are short-lived.

Seeking Happiness & Success are to a greater extend become selfish acts.

The main objective of an individual would be “only taking or receiving”.

But , more than happiness and success “ Fulfillment provides you with “ Joy in abundance” and the indivividual needs to “give or offer” to others without any expectation .

Simple acts such as Gratitude & Thanks giving, Being Passionate, Lend a helping hand, Give, Show & Express Love to  your self, Family, frinds & Society would definitely will yield “ Fulfillment”.

Fulfillment is a must if you want to live a peaceful life.

Even the most affluent people in our society lack Fulfillment in their lives.

This is why the so called Billionnaires cannot  lead a True and joyous life inspite of having a Successful Business as they are “solipsistic”people.

Instead, if they become “empathetic” they could be be joyous forever in their lives.


As per the Religious belief, we must have implicit faith in God, destiny and self, in that order.

In my humble opinion, Spiritual belief and spiritual life will mould and craft you to have implicit faith in you, your destiny and God, in that order.

Both beliefs are detrimental in our lives as without passing the religious life, it is ardorous to step in to spiritual life.

Furthermore, leading a Spiritual life does not necessarily require to give away everything that you have in your possession. It is rather “ totally surrendering  to God by believing in yourself and God.

If you practise the values of religious life, you will be glad and when you follow the spiritual life in the “correct manner” it will give you Joy,serenity in particular inner peace besides happiness in your lives.

-Maruthai Ravindhiran


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