The National Dengue Control Unit (NDCU) foresees that the present dengue incidence could increase due to the upcoming south-west monsoon in June. Consultant Community Physician of the NDCU Dr Nimalka Pannila Hetti revealed that there have been 22,528 dengue patients and nine reported deaths throughout the country as of today (5). The Western Province (WP) [...]


Dengue unit seeks community help to prevent possible rise in dengue cases


The National Dengue Control Unit (NDCU) foresees that the present dengue incidence could increase due to the upcoming south-west monsoon in June.

Consultant Community Physician of the NDCU Dr Nimalka Pannila Hetti revealed that there have been 22,528 dengue patients and nine reported deaths throughout the country as of today (5).

The Western Province (WP) accounted for the majority of all cases.

The NDCU further highlighted the absence of proper prevention measures, allowing the spread of the dengue-carrying aedes aegypti mosquito across a wider area of the Colombo District resulting in 4,836 cases (21.5%).

2,074 (9.2%) dengue cases were reported from the Gampaha District and 1,188 (5.3%) from the Kalutara District,” Dr Pannila Hetti added.

PHI checks for mosquito larvae in water sample. Pic by Eshan Fernando

Dengue cases have also been documented in much of the Northern (19.5%), Central (8.5%), Sabaragamuwa (8.3%) and North-Western (7.2%) Provinces.

The NDCU has moved quickly to forestall any further spread of dengue with the onset of scattered rains and dry weather conditions in many parts of the country.

Months of entomological surveys have disclosed that the top most potential breeding sites are civic spaces, including both private and public institutions.

Clean-up programmes and special larvae eradication campaigns will be put in place to hinder the spread over the following weeks, since the larvae density remains at a high rate, Medical Officer of Health at the NDCU Dr R Indralingam said.

Moreover, a mosquito control campaign will be launched in early June with the assistance of the tri-forces, community-based organisations (CBOs) and stakeholders, added Dr Indralingam.

May and June see a rise in dengue incidence, Medical Officer of Health at the NDCU Dr Shashini Ranaweera said, adding that the NDCU takes proactive measures to flatten the curve.

Dr Ranaweera said special attention will be focused on getting rid of potential breeding sites in dengue clusters identified in high risk MoH areas in the coming week.

An expert meeting chaired by State Minister of Health Dr Seetha Arambepola will take place on Tuesday (7) where evaluation of progress and planning of special dengue eradication measures will be taken up for discussion, Dr Ranaweera noted.

She said that dengue vector control programmes show less efficiency owing to the lack of adequate engagement of the community. Active community participation is encouraged by health experts in the face of a potential outbreak of dengue in the coming weeks.

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