The Office of the UN Resident Coordinator has forwarded to Sri Lanka’s Foreign Affairs Ministry a large number of letters it received from families of Lankans reportedly recruited to the Russian army. Meanwhile, several of these families are due to take their cases to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) this week, to complain that they [...]


Lankans reportedly recruited to Russian army: UN office sends docs to MFA


The Office of the UN Resident Coordinator has forwarded to Sri Lanka’s Foreign Affairs Ministry a large number of letters it received from families of Lankans reportedly recruited to the Russian army.

Meanwhile, several of these families are due to take their cases to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) this week, to complain that they had been defrauded by local agents. Last month, the CID’s human trafficking, human smuggling and maritime crime division arrested a retired major and an employment agent in this regard.

However, relatives of Lankan recruits in Russia say there are several more “culprits”, including women, and that many of them are working with collaborators in Russia who have Lankan connections or are of Lankan origin.

Sri Lanka’s Ambassador in Moscow Prof Janitha Abeywickrama Liyanage, when contacted by the Sunday Times this week, said she had no information. “If I get any updates, I will let you know,” she said.

Letters received by the UN office, as well as information gathered through investigations by the Sunday Times prove that the majority of Lankans who fell victim to this scam were ex-military with battle experience who had been promised non-combat jobs with the Russian army. They were issued short-term visitor visas by the Russian Embassy in Colombo.

The Sunday Times has seen copies of Russian language agreements that they signed (without translation) and at least one photo of a Russian regiment logo to which a soldier said he “seemed to be attached”.

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