Sri Lanka was among the 77 countries that co-sponsored the UN General Assembly resolution that was approved on Friday to grant Palestine full membership in the world body. Palestine has only observer status at the UN. The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming 143 member-states voting in favour, while nine voted against and 25 abstained. [...]


Lanka co-sponsors Palestine membership resolution in UNGA


Sri Lanka was among the 77 countries that co-sponsored the UN General Assembly resolution that was approved on Friday to grant Palestine full membership in the world body. Palestine has only observer status at the UN.

The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming 143 member-states voting in favour, while nine voted against and 25 abstained.

It came a month after the United States vetoed Palestine’s membership in the Security Council. The resolution called upon the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s membership, as such membership can only come through the Security Council. The US was among the nine members that voted ‘against’ on Friday and has stated it will continue to veto Palestine’s membership. The others who voted ‘against’ were Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

The United Kingdom, Canada and Germany were among those who ‘abstained’, while France, Japan and India voted in ‘favour’.

In Colombo, a Foreign Ministry spokesman told the Sunday Times yesterday that Sri Lanka “fully supports” the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and full membership of Palestine in the UN.

Friday’s vote in New York came amidst renewed military action inside the occupied Palestinian territory by Israel and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in military operations unleashed by Israel since October last year.

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