I would like to bring the attention of the relevant authorities of the Central Bank (CB) and the Ministry of Finance to the two letters published in the Sunday Times of April 7 with regard to the decreased interest rates for fixed deposits, and the adverse effect this has had on senior citizens. The letters [...]

Business Times

“Help us with higher interest rates”


I would like to bring the attention of the relevant authorities of the Central Bank (CB) and the Ministry of Finance to the two letters published in the Sunday Times of April 7 with regard to the decreased interest rates for fixed deposits, and the adverse effect this has had on senior citizens. The letters from C.D.J. Weerasena of Boralesgamuwa and G. Manoharan of Wellawatte are a plea on behalf of senior citizens like themselves who have been unjustly victimised by the country’s economic crisis. It is a heart-moving cry which I hope will be heeded by the relevant government authorities.

Many of us who work hard to earn an honest living find it grossly unfair to see senior citizens struggle in these circumstances. Their hopes for living on the interest earned from their hard-earned money invested in these fixed deposits have come up short against a wall of monetary policies that are inconsiderate to pensioners and the aged, who have no means of earning a living at this stage of their lives. I have no doubt that our country would benefit greatly from policies and practices that protect and support the marginalised segments of society such as our senior citizens, who are now barely able to meet their regular expenses such as food, medical needs, utility bills etc. We lend or voices in support of their plea and earnestly request the CB to give ear to their request. Sri Lanka would be blessed greatly by any steps that would be taken to assist the helpless citizens of our land.

Niranjali Jeyashanker


  • Tax-Achieving

collection targets

The gazette notification of April 4, 2024, specifying the “Manner of Tax payments”, is discouraging the taxpayers. How can the Government achieve tax targets by implementing negative procedures?

The notice specifies the payment methods as (1) By depositing Cash, (2) By depositing Pay order or Bank Draft and (3) By the use of Online Tax Payment Platform (OTTP).

This will not encourage the payment of taxes. Instead, you make payment of taxes more difficult. What is the need to pay either in cash, carrying cash to bank and queuing at busy bank counters or through bank drafts, spending more money to get bank drafts or through online platforms, as if everyone has online banking facilities?

What is the objection in accepting cheques, which is the most convenient method so far used by most taxpayers? It is likely over 75 per cent use the method of paying through cheques. Not accepting cheques may be due to the fact that there is an unacceptable level of cheque returns. So what? The department should initiate action against those who issue dud cheques, rather than penalising and inconveniencing genuine taxpayers with additional burdens.

The authorities should reconsider the mode of payment and also allow cheques.

Concerned tax payer



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