The Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) has instructed the Education Ministry to submit a report on whether there is a lack of enrollment of children in Grade 1. The Committee recommended that the Ministry submit a report within two weeks containing the information of Grade 1 enrollments over the last 20 years. COPA also observed [...]


COPA displeasure over lack of data in NEMIS


The Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) has instructed the Education Ministry to submit a report on whether there is a lack of enrollment of children in Grade 1. The Committee recommended that the Ministry submit a report within two weeks containing the information of Grade 1 enrollments over the last 20 years.

COPA also observed that principals of 29 schools had started new classes for intermediate classes contrary to a circular stating that the number of classes in schools should not be changed without the approval of the Structure Committee under the Ministry. Accordingly, COPA Chairman Lasantha Alagiyawanna recommended the Ministry to submit a full report on the matter before May 17.

COPA also expressed displeasure when officials who were present pointed out that although the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) data system was initiated in 2012, it has not yet reached the expected level of performance. The Committee mentioned that although it has been discussing this data system for four years, it has not reached the desired level.

Committee members also pointed out that the necessary data pertaining to the school system is not available in this data system and it is not up to expectation. The need for accurate national data regarding education was discussed at length.

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