The Government has decided to enforce strict disciplinary action on non-academic staff of universities currently on strike, as undergraduates continue to face the impact of the trade union action. Deans of faculties have been informed that employees who fail to report to work should be dealt in accordance with guidelines and circulars issued by the [...]


Uni non-academic staff strike to continue, circular issued to dock pay


The Government has decided to enforce strict disciplinary action on non-academic staff of universities currently on strike, as undergraduates continue to face the impact of the trade union action.

Deans of faculties have been informed that employees who fail to report to work should be dealt in accordance with guidelines and circulars issued by the Public Services Commission, and measures should be taken to ensure that services in all faculties are maintained properly.

The Government directive also says that overtime payments should be made for operators of water pumps, cooks and those assisting in services maintaining ambulances in universities, and that necessary funds have already been allocated.

Several attempts to resolve the strike amicably have failed. The strike has had a serious impact on the university education system.

A similar circular has been sent to Registrars of National Education Colleges, and that averted the non-academic staff of those joining the strike, a senior official said.

The circular warned that action would be taken against the Registrars failing to maintain the required services at the respective colleges.

Universities have been reminded that a circular issued in 2007 related to trade union action was still valid.

The circular issued by then Chairman of the University Grants Commission Prof Gamini Samaranayke states that all employees who do not report to work would be considered on no-pay absence.

All higher educational institutions were advised to deduct the amount equivalent to the salary to be paid for the number of days/hours that staff withheld labour (including non-working days falling within the period of trade union action) from the salary due for the month concerned. The same circular will be applicable now.

UGC Chairman Prof Sampath Amaratunga told Education Times that the non-academic strike has had an impact on the operation of the universities and may affect the admission of the new batch.

“The academic activities have been reverted to the online system,” he said.

Prof Amaratunga said that under the new circular some of the employees will lose their salaries.

A senior government official said that the Government was not in a position to meet the demands of the employees due to the financial situation.

He said they may have to even recruit new persons, if the staff do not report to work.

Meanwhile, the UGC has also been forced to postpone university examinations.

More than 50,000 undergraduates have been affected by the strike. The issuing of the university admission manual – the guide on how to apply for degree courses – also has been delayed.

Dhammika S Priyantha, Co-Convener of the University Trade Union Alliance said the strike will continue indefinitely. The strike has been on for more than two weeks. (DWI)

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