In the evolving landscape of international education, the United States emerges as the premier destination for aspiring students worldwide, according to the latest research conducted by IDP Education. As global perspectives shift, Nawaloka College of Higher Studies (NCHS) stands at the forefront, offering pathway programs that facilitate access to renowned American universities. USA surpasses Australia [...]




In the evolving landscape of international education, the United States emerges as the premier destination for aspiring students worldwide, according to the latest research conducted by IDP Education. As global perspectives shift, Nawaloka College of Higher Studies (NCHS) stands at the forefront, offering pathway programs that facilitate access to renowned American universities.

USA surpasses Australia and the UK as the top choice for international students

The findings from IDP’s global Emerging Futures research unveil a significant trend: the United States now surpasses Australia and the UK as the top choice for international students seeking higher education opportunities. This shift underscores the increasing importance of career prospects and immigration policies in students’ decision-making processes.

“As the US takes the lead in attracting international students, NCHS reaffirms its commitment to providing comprehensive pathway programmes tailored to students’ academic and career aspirations,” stated Nipuni Jayaweera, Head of Marketing and Partnership Development, NCHS.

“Our collaboration with renowned American institutions ensures that students receive the necessary support and guidance to navigate their educational journey seamlessly” she added.

The research highlights a growing awareness among prospective students regarding immigration policies and their impact on study abroad decisions. While countries like Australia, Canada, and the UK face challenges due to restrictive regulations, the US maintains its competitive edge by offering stability and clarity in its educational framework.

Career opportunities influencing students’ choice of destination

Moreover, IDP’s research underscores the significance of career opportunities in influencing students’ choice of destination. With a focus on earning potential after graduation, students prioritize programmes aligned with their career goals, making the USA an attractive option with its diverse job market and immigration opportunities.

“NCHS remains dedicated to empowering students to achieve their academic and professional aspirations,” Terrance Philip, Senior Manager Enrollment, USA Degree Transfer Programme, affirmed. “Through our pathway programmes, we equip students with the skills and resources needed to thrive in the dynamic global landscape.”

As international students navigate complex decisions regarding their educational future, NCHS stands ready to provide guidance and support, ensuring a seamless transition to prestigious American universities.

The IDP research report concludes “International students are chasing lifechanging goals. They will adjust their destinations if they feel they will be more welcomed and receive a higher quality of education in another destination.”

Nawaloka College of Higher Studies

Located in the heart of Colombo 03 as well as in Kandy, NCHS offers the best facilities which include purpose-built engineering and computer laboratories, a resource-oriented library, study areas and ample parking space and reputed academics to administer the programmes. The same syllabus, methods of delivery and evaluation are followed, ensuring that the pathway programmes conducted at NCHS are of equal standard and quality.

Student loan facilities at special interest rates are also on offer to help students pursue their higher education at NCHS.

If you wish to maximize on this
fabulous opportunity and be a part of the prestigious degree pathway
programmes at NCHS, call the USA
hotline on – 0777 799 997 or
0112 777 666.  Email us at for more information.


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