By S. Rubatheesan   A commemorative event to remember those killed in the armed conflict was held at Mullivaikaal in Mullaithivu, with visiting Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard taking part in the event. Thousands of war-affected people from various parts of the North took part in the ceremony organised by civil society groups and political [...]


AI chief attends memorial event in north; calls for global pressure on Lanka


By S. Rubatheesan  

A commemorative event to remember those killed in the armed conflict was held at Mullivaikaal in Mullaithivu, with visiting Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard taking part in the event. Thousands of war-affected people from various parts of the North took part in the ceremony organised by civil society groups and political parties to remember the war dead during the final stages of the war 15 years ago.

The AI Secretary General, addressing the media after the event, said, “AI reached a very negative conclusion on the national initiatives as far as peace, truth, and reconciliation are concerned, and this is why we are asking the international community to keep the pressure to ensure UN instruments deliver.”

She also called for continuous attention to Sri Lanka to make sure it did not fall off the international agenda.

Noting that there were many contesting disasters and crises from Gaza and Ukraine to Myanmar, she said, “It is a sad truth that people’s attention moved away from Sri Lanka. Our first objective is to remind the world that there are people in Sri Lanka for whom justice has not been delivered.”

Responding to a question raised by the Sunday Times on the government-appointed Office of Missing Persons (OMP) to track the missing persons, the Secretary-General said the “office was established, probably to please the international community in response to some kind of pressure.”

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