Foreign Minister Ali Sabry yesterday said Sri Lanka rejected the statement issued earlier in the day by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, marking what the PM calls “Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.” “Mr. Trudeau’s statement is politically motivated and directed at ‘vote-bank politics’ in Canada,” Mr. Sabry told the Sunday Times on the telephone from the [...]


Foreign Minister Sabry denounces Canadian PM’s ‘massacre’ remark, calls it ‘naked double standards’


Foreign Minister Ali Sabry yesterday said Sri Lanka rejected the statement issued earlier in the day by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, marking what the PM calls “Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.”

“Mr. Trudeau’s statement is politically motivated and directed at ‘vote-bank politics’ in Canada,” Mr. Sabry told the Sunday Times on the telephone from the Doha airport on his way back from a private visit to the United States.

He said the statement, issued on the 15th anniversary of the end of the war, exposes Canada’s “naked double standards” in that the Canadian PM is speaking of something that happened 15 years ago while aiding and abetting what is happening elsewhere right now.

He said Sri Lanka is determined to fulfil its obligations to advance the human rights situation of its citizens and will do the country’s utmost in that arena. This includes engaging with the international community through processes such as the Universal Periodic Review.

In his statement, Premier Trudeau described what happened at Mullivaikkal in 2009 as a “massacre,” where tens of thousands of Tamils lost their lives. “To this day, many more remain missing, injured, or displaced. Today, we honour the victims, survivors, and their loved ones who live with the lasting pain caused by this senseless violence,” he said. “Today reminds us of our shared responsibility to stand up for human rights, justice, and accountability—values that cannot be taken for granted. Canada will never stop its work to protect human rights across the world. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I invite Canadians to join in honouring the victims of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka. Together, let us reflect on how we can foster a better, more inclusive, and more peaceful world for everyone,” the Canadian PM added.

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